Emilia Tarrant - 'When It Was Chaotic'

Emilia Tarrant causes chaos in her latest single ‘When It Was Chaotic’.

Melancholic singer/songwriter Emilia Tarrant brings us soft yet simple harmonies in her brand new track ‘When It Was Chaotic.’  Emilia began singing and playing the piano from an early age and continues to develop her sound style daily to make her music be incredible and true from the mind and heart to help her escape the daily stresses of life. 

Since stepping into the music scene Emilia has tonnes of success as her debut EP received over 1 million streams and her music has been placed on multiple TV series which helped her gain over 50K Shazam’s which went onto ranking positions 16, 22 in the UK Charts  and a Global 23 in the Shazam Charts. The likes of CLOUT, Wonderland and Lock Magazine have given her high praise as she is certainly one to watch in the near future.

‘When It Was Chaotic’ is both rich, indulging and full of raw honest emotions as she speaks of past experiences in life, the song has lots of passion and gives off chilled relaxing vibes which reminds us of the fresh cool breeze that allowed us to let loose and enjoy the sun and just feel happy in the moment as we take a break from work. The rhythms in this track are a mixture of sweetness, soul, warmth and vibrance as the single still manages to be upbeat whilst discussing a serious topic.

The vocals on the track are light, mellow and smooth and these tones make her vocals sound remarkable, there is also a hint of edge as well as class to her voice that makes her stand out from others. The song has an element of fun and down to earth as the sound she creates is groovy which helps lift the mood of depression and anxiety and gets people bopping their heads to the cheery energetic track.

The meaning of the tune expresses an intimate topic of mental health as Emilia elaborates on how it has an effect on her through life on things such as writers block and the experience of lockdown. Emilia also explains how she was so caught up in the chaos of her own mental health and that it constantly numbed her mind which made it hard for her to write songs about her feelings when she is feeling this way. 

Emilia now feels she can understand what it is like to struggle mentally and how uncontrollable it can be. We all have chaos and issues in our life but pushing on through your demons is the only way out, as a journalist I myself have had writers block and it is so frustrating as you cannot think of what to write, I have also experienced the challenges of lockdown and been separated from loved ones and the stress of money and job worries which also drained me mentally. Everyone has their own troubles in life but by not allowing them to get to you can help make you feel better.

‘When It Was Chaotic’ is relatable, personal and allows Emilia to be vulnerable and honest with others who share the same feeling, music can heal all and by singing of life’s stresses and challenges allow you to be open and free the feeling of doubt and sadness as there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Although this track is a slow burner at first and gives off soothing calm energy it picks up the pace and becomes faster and louder for us to clearly hear the message and her voice as a strong woman who has faced her issues head on which helps encourage and inspire people to do the same. Listening to the hit makes me feel good and there is an element of positivity and that everything works out fine in the end.

Words by Jade Morris