Soccer Mommy - 'Unholy Affliction'

‘Unholy Affliction’ is a brave step into the unknown for Soccer Mommy, a risk that has been rewarded by her most captivating work yet. Ditching her recognised style of reverb-laden indie pop, Soccer Mommy, the alias of Tennessee-born songwriter Sophie Allisson, indicates a move towards a grander and darker sound.

Allisson has teased a more sinister side to her music in previous work through enigmatic lyricism which tended to contrast idyllic backing tracks. Yet her latest single transforms these notions of a hidden edge into a whirlwind of mysterious baselines and drums that threaten to break tempo, in a style almost akin to the early days of trip-hop. 

Her lyrics also pull no punches, stating “I’m tired of the money; And all of the talking at me; I’m barely a person”, a call for help within the maelstrom of modern life which so effectively blends with the most intriguing piece of song writing she has produced thus far. 

Allisson has previously stated that her lyrics are “not about telling my complete story, it's about capturing an emotion and often that is in strange details”. Indeed, she expertly tows the line between revealing a vulnerable sensibility and encouraging further interpretation.

‘Unholy Affliction’ is the Soccer Mommy’s second single, following ‘Shotgun’, from her upcoming album ‘Sometimes, Forever’, due to be released on the 24th June by Loma Vista. In the wake of the new single, the lighter ‘Shotgun’ feels like a steppingstone towards a developed sound.

It is not uncommon for a leap of faith into the musical unknown to be left unrewarded, but Allisson has succinctly blended her brand of easy-access dream pop with a raucous wall of noise to produce an elegant yet daring track.

‘Unholy Affliction’ is anything but its namesake; a welcome addition to Soccer Mommy’s repertoire and an enticing taste of what is to come.

Words by Dan Thompson