Inspired #364 - Shanghai Baby

Following on from releases Congratulations and 10 Minutes, Spanish born artist and musician Shanghai Baby releases the third single ‘Go Home’ from upcoming self-titled EP. 

In equal parts dark and charismatic, “Go Home” invites listeners into a world of confusion and compassion. Layering electronic indie guitars, and marching rhythmic drums the track makes fro an effortlessly cool sound. With Ade’s raw vocals and deeply personal lyricism the track combines a familiar nostalgia with something particularly unique. 

Driving forwards as a rising creative talent, there’s no doubt Shanghai Baby’s ability to capture universal emotions in her lyrics and music is earning her a reputation for success. With the release of her full EP only weeks away the musician’s future is looking bright. 

She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
The Strokes and Julian Casablancas. i grew up with that and I still cry when I listen to their first album sometimes, cause I can'r believe how much I like it jaja.
Ella Fitzgerald. This sounds so corny and cringy but it is true. I used to sing jazz for years and even when I'm singing rock songs, I love to give it a little bit of that vibe. It works I think.
The Clash. It was one of the bands my parents played when I was growing up and I think they really inspired the EP i'm releasing.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why?
I always loved musicals since I was a kid. i loved Gentlemen preferred blondes, some like it hot, guys and dolls, the wizard of oz, singing in the rain, an american in paris... all these movies inspired me in a lot of ways. And I think a little bit in my music too.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
I know it's the biggest cliche but every time I go to NYC I come back the most inspired. Although last time I felt like that it's when I went to Amsterdam. I guess it depends on the moment.

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why?
Paco Loco. He's the producer of the EP. He loves music so much and never forgets what's important when you're an artist, which is remembering that the person who has to like your art is yourself. He takes me back to that ground and it's very freeing.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?
My mental situation at the time. I was very frustrated with myself. And i started to realise how everyone around me was going through the same thing and i started getting very annoyed by that.

How would you like to inspire people?
I never thought I could write a song. And then I wrote 6. And then I recorded them. And now they're out and some people like them. I want people to get that vibe, to understand that you don't have to be this crazy artsy person to do art and to unblock that shitty part of the brain that sometimes tells us... you???? you want to write a song?? paint a painting?? write a poem??? who do you think you are??? fuck that.

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