Band Of The Week #199 - Bollo Bollo

This week’s Band of the Week is Buckinghamshire four piece Bollo Bollo - who has just released their debut EP - ‘I’ve Got a Good Feeling About This’. 

The EP sees them blending a mixture of genres from euphoric indie to gritty alternative rock - showing off a full spectrum of influences from Foals to Don Broco and a dash of Tame Impala. They took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together. 

Hey there Bollo Bollo - how are you? So your debut EP is finally here, how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
Luc Pomfret - Hey guys, we are extremely thrilled to have finally released our Debut EP ‘I’ve Got a Good Feeling About This'. It has been a long while in the making to craft a product that is a true reflection of us as people. This EP is a representation of Bollo Bollo, filled to the brim with our favorite riffs, grooves, lyrics, and much more. We can't wait for the world to hear it.

It is called ‘I’ve Got a Good Feeling About This’ - what is the meaning behind that?
Sonny Ford - I’ve got a good feeling about this is a slightly tweaked reference to our favourite hairy man Bollo from the Mighty Boosh (and inspiration behind our band name) famous catchphrase ‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this’. We thought it’d be a cheeky little nod to our names origin as well as literally meaning what it says on the tin, we do have a very good feeling about this EP and are incredibly proud of what we’ve created, we cannot wait for people to hear it!

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
Luc Pomfret - We recorded the EP in a variety of locations but Bucks New University was the main hub for the drum sound and everything else was recorded in our homes. Brad tracked a lot of his vocals at Luc's house but we must have re-recorded every song at least twice from top to bottom due to us constantly changing the structure of the tunes in rehearsals. We may or may not have included a Beegees style sample in one of our songs...listen really carefully to try and find it.

What are the key themes and influences on the EP?
Luc Pomfret - We were heavily inspired by Foals, Future Island, Don Broco and Fontatains DC during the writing of this EP. These bands really raised the bar for the sound we wanted, though they sound very different in their own way, they all capture strong energy with impeccable timeless songwriting throughout. We really focused on capturing luscious soundscapes alongside monstrous heavy sections full of noise and energy while keeping the themes poetic and meaningful.

If your EP could be a soundtrack to any film - which one and why?
Bradley Ayres - Wow this has got to be the toughest question I’ve had to answer, I’m gonna go with Worlds End by the one and only Nick Frost and Simon Pegg, my reason for this is mainly based off the lead single ‘Liquid Heaven’ and how it’s a story of alcohol abuse and obviously in this film it is primarily based on a reunited group of mates trying to complete the ‘golden mile’ where they do a pub crawl in their hometown. The opening scene where it shows the group of mates when they were younger and feeling like the “dogs Bollocks” would fit so nicely with the EP’s opening track ‘the lion’ as it is a tense track that is heavily carried by the bassline. Can just imagine that slow-mo shot of them walking as the track fades in. The film takes a few turns and those “childish” character traits start to show and tensions get high which suits ‘last of our summers’ to a tee. The film ends with a very Sci-fi climax and a lot of action is involved which would work hand in hand with the EP’s closing track ‘Subject to change’. This song builds and builds and ends with a beefy final chorus which I can just imagine being played while the blue blood is flying.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP? If so, which one and why?
Luc Pomfret - My personal various lyric would be 'I just photosynthesize in my room, place where I rot and let this dark flower bloom' - Mental Mirror.

Now the EP is out there - what next for you?
Colin Capp - We want to get out there and play these songs to as many people as possible. We've got a few shows up our sleeves ready to announce and we'll be looking to branch out and play in some new places as much as possible. We had our first taste of this when we went up to Manchester to play on a live stream for scruff of the neck and we absolutely loved the experience. We're also constantly writing and are already planning what our next release will be. We like to push ourselves as much as possible with our song writing and go out of our comfort zones so expect the unexpected with our next releases!.

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