Introducing #226 - GRAMMS

Let us introduce you to GRAMMS, who recently released their debut single ‘Shut Up A Second’.

Biting through a massive mix of aggressive guitars, blustering reverb and vociferous vocals, GRAMMS aren’t ones for a polite introduction. Flecked with classic alt-rock stylings but taking an innovative approach to production, their debut single “Shut Up A Second” calls to mind a thunderous row between Royal Blood and The Black Keys. Touching on decaying empathy and the power divide between ruler and ruled, the track is an immense anthem with a sting. They took a moment to talk us through their music.

Hey GRAMMS - how are you? So you've just released your debut single - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?

It feels different. I don’t want to speak for Paul, but I’m fairly certain he feels similarly. In terms of any other music I (Sam) have put out into the world, there’s more of an assuredness about this track. There’s usually some acceptable leeway between what you imagined and what you produced, but it really hasn’t been the case with GRAMMS. The response has been like that too. We thought it was going to be well received and it has been.

It is called ‘Shut Up A Second’. Can you tell us what it's about? 

Mainly it’s about partisan noise and how people take on the views of their tribe rather than thinking pragmatically, but the meaning came after the fact to be honest. The main riff brought to mind a circus lion strutting around its cage and the rest came from that. 

You guys are from the UK – where are you from and what are your favourite things to do there? Where do you go for adventures?

Stockport and Manchester. If you fancy an adventure, take a walk through Piccadilly Gardens. Manchester, in particular, is a proper party town, but it’s easy to forget the countryside is on our doorstep. It’s about an hour’s drive from Manc but thoroughly recommend Biddulf. Favourite place though, is currently Stockport Studios at Pear Mill, because that’s where we write songs for GRAMMS.

You both come from different backgrounds in terms of previous respective bands. How has that impacted or influenced your music with GRAMMS?

It’s had a kind of rounding effect. The songs have a lot more about them. Huge riffs and thoughtful lyrics, BVs and monstrous drums. It just works.

What are the key influences in your music?

Musically, there are too many to pin down! Bad Company, The National, Little Dragon, Blur, T-Rex, Led Zeppelin, Cream, the knife, Kate bush, Jeff Buckley, Thin Lizzy, Marvin Gaye, Dean Martin, David Bowie, Danny Kaye, Gene Kelly, Joni Mitchel, Neil Young, Nick Cave, Crosby Stills and Nash, Cat Stevens, Ryan Adams, The Beatles, The Kinks, The Stones. Could go on all day. Lyrically though, WHA public radio’s Mind Webs with Michael Hanson. 

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before?

It’s been described as Agit-rock and Royal Blood with the Black Keys in a headlock.