Artist Of The Week #201 - Belot

This week’s Artist of the Week is awkward pop pioneer Belot - who has just released her new EP ‘Harmless Fun’. 

Having already excited us with a batch of fresh and enticing offerings including ‘Harmless Fun’ ‘Math’ and ‘Fake Phone Calls’ in recent months, which have found support from BBC Radio 1’s Jack Saunders, Clara Amfo & Sian Eleri and BBC Introducing. 

Filled with rich and flamboyant textures, ‘Harmless Fun’ continues the warm and shimmering sound that Belot has been cultivating these last few years. With one foot in the commercial arena and the other skirting the peripherals of popular taste, she has delivered a brilliantly dynamic collection that highlights her wonderfully fresh and absorbing direction throughout.

She took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together. 

Hey there Belot, how are you? So your new EP is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
Honestly it feels bloody great! It’s been such a long time coming, and I’ve had an absolute blast making it. It’s always so hard having a song that you're proud of and keeping it up your sleeve. It’s like keeping a funky secret.

It is titled ‘Harmless Fun’ - does that have a certain meaning behind it?
It does indeed, so firstly that’s the name of one of my favourite tracks on the record, but as well as that I truly feel like I’m living such a fun and lucky life right now. It just felt applicable to the process of making the record. Every song on this record was made with so much joy resonating from everyone involved. At the end of each studio day without fail, we’d all personally discuss how grateful we are to get to make music.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
It was recorded in many different places. Various studios around London, 2 of my past flats, over zoom - a plethora of places. However one of my favourite days making it was when me and my best friend and collaborator Max were living together. We were both getting used to lockdown 2 and were living in a 3 bed house with our best pal Eloise. I had written Fake Phone Calls, and stumbled up to his room which was in the attic. We spent ages laughing and playing with lots of sounds, we were both feeling a bit mental, but eventually we found the bass sound we wanted and we were all systems go from there. Max and I have been making music together since we were 13 years old, we had done a version of this session many times, only in his attic room in his childhood home. However, there was something so special about us sitting in our twenties, in our own flat living together, still in an attic room, still doing what we did as kids, still loving it. A very special moment for us both.

What are the key themes and influences on the EP?
I’d say the key themes are fumbling through adulthood, poorly handling romantic endeavours and swiftly putting a melody to a horrible decision, in order to make it sound more appealing.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP? If so, which one and why?
I’m honestly not sure, I like lots of them for very different reasons. However as I know that’s not a lot to work with on the old blogosphere, I’d say the first lyrics that came to mind were “Tension here’s so thick the witnesses will have to sharpen their knives”- Chaotic

If your EP could be the soundtrack to any film - which one and why?
‘Booksmart’. I think ‘Booksmart’ is such a brilliantly hilarious film that really encompasses the messiness of youth, the lows and the highs. The bloody great parties, the consequences that follow. I would be flattered forever if any of my music made it into anything along those lines.

Now the EP is out there - what's next for you?
You know what, I’m hoping for more shows, more songwriting sessions, more parties, more adventures. This past year I’ve met so many incredible people and artists who inspire me all the time and help me grow as an artist and a person. So more of that would be LOVELY! Ohhhh yeah… and the next record's already being cooked up.

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