In Conversation With #193 - Will Joseph Cook

Will Joseph Cook takes us on a joyful ride with his collection of love songs on third studio album ‘Every Single Thing’ - which is out now via Bad Hotel / The Vertex. 

On Every Single Thing, Will Joseph Cook finds inspiration in the tradition of writing songs for and with someone special in mind in the style of old school crooners like Chet Baker or Elvis Presley. Written with friend Eric Radloff, who released music as Okudaxij, and LA-based writer-producer Matt Parad, he started work on the album in early 2021. “At first we were working remotely on a painfully slow countryside internet connection,” he remembers. “We sent each other stems and ideas and the first few tunes came together like that. Then it was just a case of finding a way to meet somewhere.”

That place ended up being Mexico. “I got an Airbnb for two weeks and we did all the pre-production there. In our suitcases, we had a mini-studio that we set up in an apartment block. We whittled it down to 10 tracks and went on from there to LA. Basically, you had to be in Mexico for two weeks and then you were allowed to enter the US. It was pretty wild,” he continues. “But then I ended up being in the US for quite a while. I was away for two months and the album was finished and mixed. It felt old school. I went to a place, recorded and left with a new record. I think those limitations and those pressures were good”.

He took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together.

Hey Will - so your new album is finally here. How does it feel to have it out there in the world?
It feels dope! Excited to see the songs take on a life of their own outside my hardrive. I loved making this record so much, I really hope people blast it through the summer.

It is called ‘Every Single Thing’ - what is the meaning behind that?
It's very sentimental, as the album's theme is love. The title summed up how much I feel that love colours every single experience in our lives. Whether its the expression, the lack or pursuit of, the want to understand it... for me writing about love is just writing about life in general.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
I started off the album working remotely, video calling and screen sharing with my producer Matt Parad. The bedroom/remote recording process was super slow though and I knew that the album would suffer if we tried to finish it like that. So when I had all the songs written and ready to go I met Matt in Mexico City where we did all the pre-production and song selection. We then finished off the tracks at hi studio in LA. The whole recording and production process was done in 5 weeks. I loved working like that, I think having limited time to start and complete a project is really exciting.

What are the key themes and influences on the album?
As I mentioned when talking about title, it's an album of love song/songs about love, all with different stories and sentiments. There's songs about teenage nerves and infatuation, leaving a first long term relationship, closure fantasies, new love, long distance struggles, exploring the 'honey moon' phase idea... lots of different angles. Although love is the most popular topic to write about I'm hoping people see this project for it depth and not just a one dimentional thing.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the album? If so, which one and why?
This is definitely one of my favourite lyrics, it's off the closing track guarenteed. We're often told that letting go of the messy, human, physical world is how we achieve true happiness, that true contentment comes from within. This verse is just asking, if that's the case, then what the hell is all the clunky interpersonal stuff about then???? lol. It's basically my version of when a kid keeps asking the question 'why?' and it gets too deep.

If letting go will set you free,
Ambivalence the true relief,
Then what the hell is love about,
The kind that hurts to live without,

If the album could be a soundtrack to any film - which one and why?
Haha, I have no idea what movie would work but I know for sure it would be animated.

Now the album is out there - what next for you?
Lots our touring and travel by the looks of things. Excited to make up for all the lost opportunities of the last couple years to go and play for fans in other countries. I'm also working on some feature versions of the tracks alongside some other cool side projects for it.

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