Inspired #379 - Susan Bear

Queer pop artist and producer Susan Bear has just released her new album ‘Alter’ via Lost Map Records. 

Having been part of the music industry since 2014 with her first band Tuff Love, Susan Bear has seen a lot of changes in close to a decade but has never chosen to stand still or rest on laurels. Through her solo records as Good Dog (debut Creature was released in 2020) and now Susan Bear, her production and songwriting work - most recently with the Scottish collective Hen Hoose - and being a regular collaborator with an array of artists, Suse has constantly developed her sound while keeping the lo-fi charm of her early releases at its heart and placing her Queer identity front and centre.

'I'm not the same person I was 10 years ago, I’m actively trying to change and grow," says Suse. "Sometimes it feels so much easier to stay exactly the same, do exactly the same things in the same way, but life is more exciting when you ‘make an effort’ generally, isn’t it? Even if it feels a bit painful at the time.”

She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
What, like, ever? I guess they vary month on month year on year but ok right HERE GOES:
Pure silence. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with music being everywhere all the time without choosing to listen to it. I don’t like music being used as ‘distraction background noise’ when you’re out shopping etc it’s weird. There’s enough noise in the world eh! It makes music feel of less value and makes me feel totally uninspired. Tuning into the sound of my own thoughts in relative silence and having space to think is a big musical inspiration but I know that sounds like a very obtuse answer so… please continue on.
The Band Weezer. I probably have listened to them more in my 20s than I’ve ever listened to anything and that’s probably permanently done something (good or bad, who knows!) to my brain and neural pathways. They made me want to play in a band when I was younger. 
Aphex Twin. Aphex Twin's music opened a gate of new understanding about human-ness and expression in electronic music when I was in my early-20s after a lot of years of just listening to pop-punk……..and exploration of hard-ware synths and outboard gear. I can track the last 10 years of my life using Aphex Twin songs to trigger memories - it’s cool. 

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why?
I just saw that film Everything Everywhere All At Once, I thought it was amazing. I used to have a weird thought that when I was depressed or anxious it’s because me in another universe had had something bad happen to them. Anyways, I’m PRO-MULTIVERSE, and liked the depiction of that in this film. 
I also really liked how in it there are infinite versions of you, one of you might be the best tennis player to ever have lived, another might be an incredible singer and you might not be as 'successful' in your own universe but in the end all that matters is human connection not your unfulfilled potential as a ‘productive achieving’ human being. You could spend your whole life chasing some goal that never existed and never be happy or satisfied. None of this will make sense if you’ve not seen the film probably.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
I’ve only ever lived in Glasgow really and I love it here, I think it’s the best city on earth. Would I be saying the same thing if I grew up in Manchester? Yes, maybe. I’ve had all my memories here - I like all the smells when seasons change, they remind me of the past and make me excited for the future. 
People are friendly, generally kind of chill, there’s lots of great and supportive creative communities, loads of DIY things going on, it doesn’t have the same kind of horrible competitiveness as bigger cities. It’s cheap-ish to live in, compared to big cities, and you can cycle from one end to another in 15 minutes. 
The only downside is the weather is a bit rubbish a lot of the time - but bad weather is probably inspiring as it forces you indoors and to have low vitamin D levels both of which I’m sure help with needing to have a creative outlet eh. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why?
Anyone who’s open and honest and able to be a bit vulnerable/ let their guard down. The world is a tangled web of lies, where a sign of strength is just lying if you don’t know the answer when asked a question, because not knowing would be weak. I think there’s big power and some radical-ness in honesty and admitting your strengths and weaknesses instead of trying to be an 1980s version 'strong / powerful / cool' 

What were your inspirations when writing your new album?
Mostly feeling terrified about the past and future and forgetting I was existing in the present. I was listening to Porches a lot in 2019 I think so that probably seeped in. I got a new polysynth a few years ago I was enjoying playing around on, it’s much more fun than inside-the-computer instruments so that probably helped inform some of the sound choices. 

How would you like to inspire people?
By being your (my) authentic self and being happy about it (most of the time). 

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