Band Of The Week #222 - Hotel Lux

This week’s Band of the Week is Portsmouth/London band Hotel Lux - who have just released their much anticipated debut album ‘Hand Across The Creek’.

Once contenders for the mantle of Britain’s most self-conscious band — guilty, by their own admission, of pandering to audiences’ tastes following their move from Pompey to London — Hotel Lux have crafted a bold and bright identity that is truly their own on their brilliant debut album Hands Across The Creek. All it took was for their wildest dreams to be dashed.

They took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together. 

Hey there Hotel Lux - how are you? So your album is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world? 
Hello! It’s really exciting to finally have it out there in the world. It’s been a long time coming. It’s something we’re all really proud of and we can’t wait to hear what people think of it.

It is called ‘Hands Across The Creek’ - what is the meaning behind that? 
Ha, so the title comes from a phrase that some of my (Lewis) Dad’s friends used back in the day as a nod to the relationship between Fareham and Portsmouth. Fareham is a town just outside Portsmouth where I’m from and Fareham Creek (kind of) separates the two. It’s a football thing, mainly.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
We were fortunate enough to record the album with Bill Ryder-Jones at his studio in West Kirby. West Kirby is beautiful, a classic English coastal town but unscathed by the usual trite that comes with that accolade. The album was recorded in two week-long stints, the first of which allowed us to get the basis for the tracks down and be a bit more sensible. We found the local bakery a real source of happiness during this period. Laying down tracks at the beginning can be arduous and starting off the day with a Gerrard’s spinach pastry always got those days off to a good start. The second time round, we stayed at an AirBnb above a Costa in Liverpool. England beat Germany in the Euros during this 2nd stretch... Bill gave us an early finish and we watched the game in West Kirby then ventured into Liverpool after for a bit of a party. I think that win gave us the inspiration needed for the album home stretch.

What are the key themes and influences on the album? 
Lyrically, the Covid lockdown forced my lyrics to become a lot more introspective. When you’re locked in your room 23 hours a day it’s hard to find much source for inspiration. So I had venture into the self a little more than I’d usually be comfortable with.

If the album could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why?
Hmm I'm gonna embarrass the lads here and say Billy Elliot, although it’s impossible to make that soundtrack any better than it already is. My all time favourite, and kind of similar themes. 

Do you have a favorite lyric on the album - if so, which one and why?
I like the lyrics in ‘Solidarity Song’ a lot. Probably the lyrics I’m most proud of on the album. The line “In a frame sits Dorian Gray/For a little bit of Mise En Scene” because I never thought those A Level Media buzz phrases would come in handy. My teacher from that course actually commented on the National Team Youtube video the other day - ‘I taught Lewis’... Maybe I should make him aware of his influence.

Now the album is out there - what next? 
The albums been a long time coming so for now, we’ll just enjoy the album tour and then when we’re back from that, I’m sure the Album 2 discussions will begin.

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