Carpark - 'Suburbs of Hell'

Indie-rock trio Carpark return with bold, lively new track ‘Suburbs of Hell’.

The three-piece band’s new single is energetic, punchy, and has a dash of humour about it.

Carpark released their debut EP The World Ended in 2012 last year which was met with praise from people such as Jack Saunders. They went on to release Not the Perfect Start, and Don’t Want You, the latter arrived last November and was explosive, filled with killer riffs and defiant vocals.

Suburbs of Hell feels like a natural progression for the band, without being predictable, far from it.

Their past releases have always allowed each member to shine, and this one is no different. Scottie (vocals and bass) Hattie (guitar) and Loda (drums) are three very talented musicians who clearly work incredibly well together. 

Suburbs of Hell opens with distorted vocals and a thump bassline, which lead us nicely to the first verse.

The chorus is bouncy and bright, will be perfect for singing along to live. “They said if I’m good, if I behave, I can go to the suburbs of hell/Always the same repeated day out here in the suburbs of hell” Scottie sings out. Also present during the chorus is an excellent riff that fits wonderfully, not too loud to overshadow the entire production, but strong and solid enough that you will remember it.

The single was produced by Spacemen, who has also produced for artists such as Dua Lipa and Sigrid. Speaking on the meaning behind the track, the band said: “A dark parallel reality brought to life, it’s about the anger and frustration of being trapped in the inner city of hell but aspiring to live out in the suburbs and sunbathe with the devil in your back garden.”

And they certainly deliver on that. Suburbs of Hell is a terrific slice of pop-rock that makes you want to get up and thrash it out.

Words by Lucy Skeet