In Conversation With #238 - Nieve Ella

West-Midlands artist Nieve Ella has just released her debut EP ‘Young & Naive’ - a collection of songs that weaves through stories of heartache and loss. 

Having only picked up the guitar for the first time in 2020, 19-year-old Nieve Ella’s introduction came this summer with her debut single ‘Girlfriend’, shortly followed by standout songs ‘Blu Shirt Boy’ and ‘Fall 4 U’. Her impressively earnest inward storytelling melded to the ambiance of 90’s guitar-pop has already grabbed the attention of BBC Radio 1’s Introducing, Greg James and Jack Saunders, whilst racking up over 600k streams on Spotify.

She took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together.

Hey there Nieve Ella - how are you? So your EP is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world? 
I’m very good thank you!! it all feels so surreal, I’ve worked on this for just over a year now and to finally be able to share it with the world is more than what I ever expected to happen!

It is called ‘Young & Naive’ - what is the meaning behind that? 
It is what it is. it’s a collection of songs I wrote whilst being ‘young and naive’ in situations that most teenagers experiences. I’m telling the story of the milestones of youth through my eyes.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us? 
Most of it was recorded in my friends kitchen/studio - I never recorded these songs intending them to be part of anything larger. the ones I recorded in his kitchen were the ones that mean the most and these happened to make up a large part of the EP.

What are the key themes and influences on the EP? 
I guess I kind of wrote the songs whilst I was going through a stage of my life of rejection. I felt like every situationship I had didn’t turn into anything. I had a habit of romanticising these moments and turned them into songs.

If the EP could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why? 
Ten things I hate about You - because the whole concept is you wanting to hate this person you are infatuated with. I channel a lot of that in this EP.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP - if so, which one and why? 
19in a week - "feeling like I’m growing but I’m still in the back seat" - it’s how I felt throughout the whole process of writing these songs. doing these grownup things like making music in London but still feeling like a child in the backseat of someone’s car. imposter syndrome.

Now the EP is out there - what next?
A lot of live shows in festival season and even more writing. i have loads more to say that i feel needs to be heard and written about.

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