KIANA - 'Split Decisions'

R&B artist KIANA has just released her latest single ‘Split decisions’, a song that was inspired by the idea of making an uncomfortable decision to let someone go, because you know they are better off without you.

The Toronto Based R&B artist is known for her soulful and moody tunes, throughout her songwriting KIANA reflects on themes of heartbreak, and that growth can be both painful and beautiful.

KIANA is both Persian and Dutch, she uses her cultures to inspire the work she creates. KIANA has had over half a million plays globally, as well as been featured in the Rolling Stone and Teen Vogue Magazines. Whilst also gaining a lot of support through Radio plays, including her local Toronto's Flow 93.5 FM and Vibe 105.5 FM.

KIANA’s latest single ‘Split Decisions’ is not different from her past ventures, her music is the perfect balance of both powerful and vulnerable. ‘Split Decisions’ is the perfect mix of both, creating a feminine yet dominant song. That is both empowering and heartbreaking in the most perfect way.

‘Split decisions’ is about putting the other person first, being selfless and brave, even if you know it is not what you want. Here is KIANA discussing the layout of ‘Split decisions’ - “The verses are almost like flashbacks that reminisce over memories and who that person was, and is vulnerable in the reality that when you let go of someone - you do continue to think about everything that you had, what could’ve been, and you learn to understand yourself and the other person more when the situation is done with.”

‘Split Decisions' is a song that in summary is about ‘When you have a gut feeling and a voice taking over in your head, nothing speaks louder than that." - KIANA

A beautiful song that speaks volumes to how the majority of the world has felt at some point in their life and whether they can make the move to end it or not, this tune will leave you feeling reflective yet at peace in the best way.

KIANA’s ‘Split Decisions’ is out now, and worth every minute of your time.

Words by Rose Stiff