Live Review: Bellah Mae – Club Academy, Manchester 15/05/2024

Bellah Mae brings her country-pop heartbreak anthems to Manchester’s Club Academy.

With her sophomore EP – the suitably titled ‘Never Waste A Heartbreak’ – on the horizon, Bellah is currently in the midst of her UK headline tour to accompany its release. Despite taking place a mere six months after her first Manchester date at The Deaf Institute, this past Wednesday saw the fast-rising star upgrade to the Club Academy (a venue that doubles the former show’s capacity). 

Kicking off the evening was Brighton-based songwriter Dominic Wright. After initially gaining traction on TikTok, his debut single ‘I’ll Be Alright’ arrived just over a month ago. Entering the stage wearing none other than Bellah’s ‘Hot Ex Girlfriend Club’ t-shirt, he was quickly met with a glowing reception from the crowd. With his EP ‘Ghosts’ due in early July, it was a promising taste of the forthcoming project. A neatly crafted acoustic set, Dominic’s soothing vocals took reign, complimented by gently strummed chords and backing from guitarist George adding further depth. Closing out with his only currently released track, it was a captivating set, which ended with lyrics being sang back at him (an impressive feat for an artist who has only just debuted).

Following a brief thirty minutes (and many Sabrina Carpenter/Olivia Rodrigo/Taylor Swift songs later), it was time for Bellah to take to the stage. Appearing in a denim two-piece and some – very on-brand – cowgirl boots, fans frenetically screamed to her now-signature intro of sassy breakthrough track, ‘Drama King’. After taking a moment to thank the audience for coming, she continued the set with ‘Date Your Dad’, another take from her first EP, before introducing some new material. 

While her debut project ‘With All Due Disrespect’ saw Bellah tap into her country origins, it’s on the forthcoming EP that she fully embraces her country-infused musical upbringing. The just-released opener ‘Hell & Never Back’ provided fans with an exciting glimpse into her effortless blend of candid, country songwriting and vibrant pop melodies. Although the track was only unveiled less than two weeks ago, lyrics were already memorised by much of the ecstatic crowd. Offering the first unreleased cut, ‘4 Better 4 Worse’ was delightedly received by fans, before ‘2053’ (the self-proclaimed entrance to Bellah’s ‘Sad Girl Era’) created a touching moment of reflection.

Amongst gut-wrenching ballads and unapologetic pop anthems, Bellah’s relationship with her fanbase shone through, as she stepped down from the stage at multiple points to hold hands with fans at the barrier whilst they emotionally screamed each lyric (“Did I miss your funeral? / Did your car crash when you backed out my drive?” in the chorus of ‘Feels Like You Died’ was a particular highlight). The aptly named ‘Hot Ex Girlfriend Club’ has become a hub for those who relate to Bellah’s music, and one that brims with a sense of community. 

As the set neared its end, fans were once again treated to new tracks, including the upcoming EP’s finale ‘Love Of My Life’ and the guitar-laden touch of her personal favourite ‘Stay Friends’. Transforming the grappling pain of heartbreak into a muse for her writing has become a thread throughout Bellah’s discography and remains one of her most endearing features as a storyteller. Whether it’s through her own songs or those of artists that she admires (the cover of Zach Bryan’s ‘Something In The Orange’ with Dominic was a perfect addition), the 23-year-old delivers each line with touching emotional resonance. 

Switching up the mood for a final time, the last offerings showcased Bellah’s full vocal prowess, with ‘On Purpose (For My Future Daughter)’ seeing powerful leading vocals and ethereal harmonies mesmerise the already-entranced audience. The ultimate finale came in the form of fan favourite ‘Boyfriend Of The Year’ and provided an impactful ending to the set, as the crowd passionately belted every line back at her. With a warmth and lyrical depth that transcends through both her music and on stage, Bellah Mae is going from strength to strength, and this show has proven that it’s only set to continue. 

Words by Emily Savage

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