Easy Life - 'Frank'
Easy Life have pulled out all the stops on new track “Frank,” featuring an honest outpouring by singer Murray – a story of love gone awry and reflecting on why it went wrong. The lyrics are mature, telling a story that digs deep into Murray’s heartache, and throughout the whole track you’re left identifying and reflecting on your own failed romances. The quality is high, and comparisons to Jamie T and Alex Turner are inevitable because of their own talents to tell great stories, Easy Life do it just as well.
The music compliments the lyrics beautifully, featuring pulling synths and a catchy beat that often juxtaposes the emotional content of the words. As the track goes on, an electric guitar seeps in and imitates the heart wrenching feeling of what the words are reflecting. It’s a remarkable idea and makes “Frank” such an intricate piece of work.
The chorus pops with just the right amount of energy, never overpowering the sentiment, but manages to keep the hidden sorrow at bay until the verses kick back in. There’s also a subtle string section in the song that weaves throughout the verse to build the whole track into something wonderful. If you’re into great storytelling over the course of a single track, I suggest giving Easy Life a listen because they’re leading the music scene in this respect.
Words by Chris White