Album Review: Hot Shorts – 'I Understand and I Wish to Continue'


Something to finally put a smile on your face.

I Understand and I Wish to Continue is the second album from Manchester’s Hot Shorts. With an album title like that and the musical stereotypes that Manchester often conjures, you’d expect some kind of Smiths rip-off or wanna-be’s. This is certainly not the case. Hot Shorts are by no means a comedy or parody band, but they are funny. They don’t take themselves seriously and take the piss a lot, mainly out of themselves. Guitarist Chris Killen says, “The songs are mostly about being slightly too old and British to be still into 90s alt rock as much as we are.” But do they care? No. Have they written a feel-good album with lots of hooks and laughs. Damn right they have.

Hot Shorts use there love of the 90s slacker alternative sound of bands like Weezer to be satirical and darn right funny. Opening track ‘No Jokes’ sets the tone. It could be considered a statement, in that there aren’t any good jokes or irony anymore, but Hot Shorts are here to change that.

There is a nostalgic tinge on I Understand…, but Hot Shorts have done that intentionally. It’s for the purpose of the song and the jokes in the brilliant lyrics. For instance in ‘Who Brings a Guitar ti a Party?’: “What’s your favourite Weezer song?/Sorry, I don’t know that one” and ‘Summer of 2012’ refers to Bryan Adams’ ‘Summer of ‘69’ whilst telling the story of owning your first iPod.

Hot Shorts are introspective and write about their personal lives. ‘Lostprophets Tattoo’ is about regret and ‘My Cat Is Gonna Live Forever‘ is about one’s love for their feline friend. See, you can take them seriously (wink wink).

Words by Matthew Brocklehurst

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