Kyson - 'After The Rain'

Kyson's ‘After The Rain’ is a cryptic cut of cool indie electronic that will both startle and soothe you.

Calling on organic and earthy imagery and evocative sonic textures, ’After The Rain’ is an imaginatively crafted fusion of acoustic folk influences and forward thinking, futuristic electronics that explosively watches new life grow on the previously barren parts of your mind. Kyson’s ethereal vocal filters through a flickering, immersive soundscape that feels brooding and mysterious, yet takes tentative steps towards the sunshine in rumbling bursts of synth, which shriek of transformation.

On ‘After The Rain’ Kyson explains, "During the process of writing the album, I had minor health scare which ended up with me having to take a course of medication that lasted 6 months. After the treatment which was luckily successful, what followed was a striking and beautiful moment of clarity and positivity. This was the last song that I finished for the album and I wanted to look back and express that notion of being able to feel clear in your own body and mind again, and feel the beautiful connection after a period of something seemingly dark, strange and unexpected. I like to create a conversation and relationships between moments in nature to feelings and emotions that we have as humans, in some ways i think they are deeply connected”.

’After The Rain’ makes your skin tingle with its shiveringly good sonic beauty and massages your mind with the poignant reminder that things will get better and growth always happens, “after the rain has come and gone”.

The track is accompanied by an innovative and beautifully crafted two-part visual which was co-written and conceptualized with Director Andreas Lamoth.
On the video Kyson says, "I wanted to have a video that was contemplative, something slow and visually stunning to be intertwined to this album. Myself and Andreas really liked the idea of making a film which we could spread across two songs so we could tell a story in the slow pace. I am a big fan of and we are trying to tell a story of 'everyday life' which contains one or even more allegories is a beautiful thing. People can dive in and take their own impressions and fuller ideas away from it".

Words of Karla Harris

Tour Dates

November 12 - Hamburg, Ü&G
November 14 - London, Waiting Room
November 16 - Copenhagen, Vega Ideal Bar
November 18 - Vienna, Chelsea
November 21 - Berlin, Badehaus