If you’re looking for a huge hit of odd pop to thrash out your feelings to, look no further than HÅN and GIUNGLA’s collaborative single, ‘CTR’.

Moving at full throttle, ‘CTR’ is an energetic and exhilarating track that sees HÅN and GIUNGLA take an upbeat and empowering stance on experiencing life’s difficulties.

"The track was born last summer at Giungla’s place in Milan when we sat down for a writing session together. Visually videogame characters like Crash and Sonic came to mind and we thought that the idea of a race was perfect for the melody. We imagined a sort of silly competition against frenzy, anxiety, tiredness, what other people think about you, and at the same time the need to keep going and challenge yourself.”

CTR’ was lovingly crafted over many emails, ZOOM sessions and heavy files exchange between HÅN in London and GIUNGLA in Italy due to COVID-19 restrictions. It’s rough and ready, head bopping pop, delivered with determination and an underlying exuberance for defying expectations.

Words of Karla Harris

CTR' is out now via Factory Flaws