Album Review: Kehlani – 'It Was Good Until It Wasn’t'


R&B superstar Kehlani releases highly anticipated album ‘It was good until it wasn’t’ – A disarming piece of music that makes you drop all defences and give in to her power.

In true Kehlani fashion, the singer-songwriter delivers straight fire. Hypnotic, sensual beats, magnetic vocals, and rhythms to die for are only a few of the attributes that make this album irresistible. 

Wrapped in oh-so-smooth melodies and vocals that will melt even the most stoic of hearts, Kehlani talks about love in all its many forms from wanting to keep your significant other safe (‘Bad News’) to fighting for a relationship despite all its issues in beautifully haunting track ‘Can You Blame Me’. Each song thrills with absolutely stunning songwriting, giving life to emotions through intricate, poetic lyricism – “At my big old age, I can’t be fazed by what you mistake as going insane […] I hear every word they talk, tried not to care at all. I know it’s frontin’, don’t know me from nothing. Still learning to shake it off” (‘Everybody Business’) 

Talking about the inspiration behind the album title, Kehlani says: “The album cover is a depiction of the never-ending duality of ‘good’ and ‘bad.’ It’s a tale of perspective. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, but clearly something has gotten my attention. Paired with the back cover, we come into the question of is the grass really greener on the other side? Good things are good…until they aren’t. Then, were they ever really good?”

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven