Dirty Nice - 'Sunshine End Times'

Dirty Nice Press Shot 2020 (c) Henry Holz & Charlie Pelling.jpg

Dirty Nice look for the personal turmoil in the global chaos with their hyperactive new single ‘Sunshine End Times’. 

This duo have garnered a great reputation over the last few years for occupying a space between the lines of culture and genres as they mix murky punk with synth-led pop. ‘Sunshine End Times’ certainly adopts the latter as they rush in at 100mph as their emotion erupts while throwing in colours as they take the listener down a spiral of our descending world. 

The duo also looks for the personal in the catastrophe and how having someone to take it on with is a simple way to navigate the storm. The song was originally written last year and took inspiration from the “morning after the UK general election”, it has found a more sinister meaning with the events that have followed and how a world “already off balance” was given that “extra push”. 

‘Sunshine End Times’ perfectly encapsulates the sign of the times and how the many are feeling about the state of the world and shows that Dirty Nice has the potential to be the voice for a generation.

Words by Danial Kennedy