Album Review: Odina - 'What I Never Told You'


Odina wrestles with growing pains on What I Never Told You. The future is uncertain, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

“Save me from myself, tell me what I want to hear,” she sings with a robotic echo on the opening track, “To The Ground.” There’s an honest, childlike quality to her vocals that implies a sense of innocence and youth.

“Keep me from myself,” she continues, “it’s my own voice I fear.” Odina may be young, but she isn’t naive. Her haunting singing style coupled with thoughtful and reflexive lyrics earn her respect beyond her years.

She lets the messages speak for themselves and keeps the instrumentation consistent with the occasional synth, slide guitar, or sax riff blended in. She emphasizes, above all, that this is about growing up, evolving, and existing as a young adult in a world seemingly out to get you -- a world chock full of broken hearts.

“You’ll see me full of tears,” she sings on “Take Care Of My Heart,” you’ll see me full of sorrow.” It comes across like a diary entry. Not the stereotyped kind, but the kind that’s brutally truthfully and oftentimes difficult to look back on. Odina’s story is personal, and yet will likely resonate with many. She questions a crucial point of growing older: the ironic paradox that being young isn’t always joyful and falling in love isn’t always perfect.

“Strange is nothing new,” she sings on the concluding track of the record, “Heartache,” a song layered in electric guitars. The sound is rich but not overbearing. A straightforward horn section offers a little bit of triumph over heartbreak. “What I Never Told You” is a wonderful ode to coming of age. 

Words by Allison Rapp