Pixey - 'Just Move'


Liverpool based producer and multi-instrumentalist Pixey makes her debut on new home label Chess Club and shares hyperenergetic tune “Just Move”.

Written, recorded, and produced from Pixey’s very own bedroom in Liverpool, “Just Move” is dynamic and infectious. With a psychedelic guitar riff and inciting drums accompanying the artist’s clever and catchy lyricism, “Just Move” invites the listener to drop everything and “get into the groove”. With clear and straightforward instruction, Pixey commands us to join her in remembering the fun of going out, she explains “With the last few months feeling so complicated and unprecedented I thought it would be refreshing to write something with a simple request, as dancing and moving is in (most) people's nature!”.

With additional production by James Dring (Gorillaz, Jamie T., Circa Waves) and a video featuring Pixey’s mesmerizing dance moves resembling the 80’s club vibe, the new track is guaranteed to make people bounce to the beat. This exciting introduction to a new chapter in the artist’s journey leaves the audience thirsty for more and Pixey is certainly getting ready to exceed the expectations. 

Words by Nicole Otero

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