Inspired #344 - Thallo

Welsh multi-instrumentalist Thallo has just revealed the hauntingly beautiful video for her latest single ‘Pressed and Preserved’ Lulling the listener with a warm intricate arrangement, the song reflects on the potency of fleeting love and tragedy of cutting a relationship thriving perfectly in its prime. She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
My top three would have to be Big Thief, Andy Shauf and Sufjan Stevens with my favourite albums 'Masterpiece', 'The Party' and 'Carrie & Lowell'. Their albums have been a part of my listening rotation for years and I won't tire from repeating them for many more. What I seek in music are detailed arrangements and textures alongside brutal or provoking lyrics, which I find throughout my top threes.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
I adore the Beach Boys, so the first film that comes to mind that has moved me is 'Love and Mercy'. It gives a glimpse of Brian Wilson's struggle with mental health, abuse and creative freedom. It's heart-wrenching but also incredibly inspiring, feeling like a fly-on-the-wall during scenes where he first pieces ideas together for masterpieces like 'God only Knows'. 

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
I don't find cities particularly inspiring. I grew up in North Wales, surrounded by stunning landscape of sea and mountains, including Snowdon. It's hard not to be inspired! So I always have lyrics come to me when in nature, or by the sea and mountains. Although in the city, I love seeing all sorts of live music, especially jazz and indie in London. I normally rush to my piano afterwards! 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
It's hard to choose one person. I always look toward my friends and family. I'm extremely lucky to know people of incredible kindness, courage and strength which make me want to be a better person. 

What were your inspirations when writing ’Pressed and Preserved’ and it's video? 
The initial inspiration came from pressed flowers that I gave as a farewell gift. I wanted to create a song that was heartfelt, honest and unveiled a story through the lyrics. Some inspiration from Andy Shauf has probably snuck in through my clarinet riffs!
Where the song’s lyrics focus on the preservation of a relationship in memory, the video takes this theme of preservation into a more surreal setting. Playing ironically with the idea of hysteria, where I slowly resign to insanity and death in the video. I wanted to play with contrast and struggle through disturbing masked men which represent death, and the beauty of wild flowers which represent memories, brining the initial inspiration of the song into the video. 

How would you like to inspire people?
I am always inspired by both the beauty of nature and the beauty of contrast, as seen in the video. Whether it's used in visual art, chord progressions or poetry, it moves me and heavily influences my writing. I want to create this beauty from within my own art, inspiring others through captivating beauty and connection to nature in the same way that I have been inspired. 

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