Luis Paul - 'City Night'

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Berlin composer Luis Paul shares calming piano music on charming new single, ‘City Night’

‘City Night’ captures the magical feeling of night time walks through the streets we call home. It’s the flash of a headlight as a car turns around a corner, the glance through a restaurant window at a couple having a late night meal, the muffled laughter and gossip of a group of friends enjoying a drink together. It’s the sad face of the stranger at the bus shelter, it’s the realisation that the sad face of the stranger at the bus shelter is actually your own face reflected in the glass.

With each gentle note falling like rain, it’s the feeling of warmth when you pull your coat tighter, a waltzing walk around familiar streets. It’s the surreal feeling of removing ourselves from our inner shells to remember life is not a solo trip, that countless other lives are being lived simultaneously alongside ours. It’s a reminder that loneliness is a cage we build for ourselves. It’s three minutes of understated elegance, intended to captivate, contemplate and calm.

Words of Karla Harris