Inspired #398 - Queen Cult

Macclesfield rock-outfit Queen Cult have just released their new single ‘It Matters To Me’ - an alt-rock infused pop track with sophisticated distortion and a fiery delivery.

Spearheaded by guitarist and lead vocalist Maisie Johnson, with Brodie Carson and Piers Jarvis taking up drums and bass respectively. Known for their rip-roaring riffage and earth shattering vocals, their newest offering ‘It Matters To Me’ oozes with style which drips from every crevice of their St. Vincent style guitarwork, tempered pre-choruses and supermassive-counterpoints in the melody and rhythm section.

They took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind their music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
There are three of us in the band and we all have VERY different musical backgrounds! Haha. For me [Maisie] I grew up on No Doubt, Aerosmith, Jeff Buckley & Lady Gaga. Brodie’s [drummer] influence comes more from the metal and rock side and his playing style is inspired by John Bonham, Led Zeppelin’s drummer. And for Piers [bass]…. the entire world of music!! 

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
Particularly mind bending films are fun.
Vanilla Sky…Endless Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Whether they influence I’m not sure!

What city do you find the most inspiring and why? 
Manchester definitely holds a special place in our hearts because we’re based not far away in Macclesfield ! But it would be nice to experience some more cities… maybe Tokyo? 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
My friends.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track? 
Also my friends! And some of their experiences where I felt helpless but wanted somehow to help them feel empowered through a dark time.

How would you like to inspire people?
I’d like to think our music will inspire kids to pick up an instrument and create an outlet to discover their mind with. Whether it’s song-writing, poetry, any form of art really. And also resonance. Helping people figure things out too. Knowing we’re all one in the same trying to get through this world.

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