Maisie Peters - 'Good Enough'

BRIT breakthrough artist Maisie Peters is back. The singer-songwriter returns with her latest single ‘Good Enough’ .

With a simple yet melancholy piano as the only companion to Peters’ raw vocals, ‘Good Enough’ immediately juxtaposes its other half, ‘Blonde’.

On the track, she sings about being strung along and eventually dumped by someone who she thought loved her too. She explained on Twitter that the single explores the “seasons of doubt and sadness and really intense bouts of wondering whether you're good enough for whatever or whoever it is your heart wants.”

As with many of her songs, Peters’ gives the listener a way to say something which they may not be able to articulate themselves. Her songwriting is so raw that it feels so personal- too personal almost- to apply to anyone else, and yet, it’s unbelievably relatable. Unrequited love is such a universal experience, after all.

Her vocals on this track feel as though they haven’t been touched, sounding pained and rough, as if she was on the verge of crying at the time of recording, and yet soft enough that it could put you into a slumber.

The second verse is what gives the song its punch because there’s more detail than the rest of the song offers; a small moment that gives the single that personal touch. If you need some comfort that you’re not the only one experiencing loves sting, then give this a listen (and have a little cry, maybe).

Words by Brooke Pollock