The Paranoyds - 'BWP'

In all their contemporary garage rock glory, The Paranoyds are back again with their newest hypnotic release titled ‘BWP’.

The track comes paired with its very own woozy music video, something that is undeniably straight out of the ’80s. The music video’s clever videography places the viewer in a trance-like state, watching the faces of The Paranoyds bobbing around the screen lit with lucid colours. The entirety of the video is nostalgically dream-like.

The music video compliments the single perfectly. Instrumentally speaking, ‘BWP’ is a modern take on traditional LA garage rock, complete with distorted guitar and grainy vocals. The Paranoyds have cleverly, however, put their own spin on things by adding a lo-fi element. Dare say, it is much more ambient and atmospheric than those who originated the genre initially, making it much more captivating for the newer generations. It is unquestionably an ingenious notion that has been executed seamlessly.

The lyricism focuses on the mundane nature of day-to-day life, a topic that is highly relatable. When speaking on the lyrics, the vocalist and guitarist of The Paranoyds stated that “Every now and then there are those days and sometimes even weeks where it just feels like you're in a rut”.

BWP is a tease of the group's upcoming album Talk Talk Talk, a deeply experimental and genre-spanning release. Not only is an album release on the cards for the LA-based four-piece, but a UK Tour also kicks off for them this November. The Paranoyds will be gracing venues such as Dead Wax in Birmingham and Brudenell Social Club in Leeds.

Words by Sophie Bourgeois