Introducing #273 - Duvet

Let us introduce you to Manchester based band Duvet - who have just released their new single ‘Sweaty Dog’, which is part of their double-single 7” via Missing Out Records. 

First forming in 2022, Duvet dipped their toes in dream-pop and riot grrrl before landing on the driving basslines of post-punk. The band’s debut offering “Clown Clown Clown” cuts a hard-hitting figure of scabrous riot grrrl energy in thrall to the 1990s. Duvet assembled their current lineup of vocalist Grace Walkden, guitarists Tasmin Stephens and Seth Lloyd, bassist Jimmi Brown and drummer Victoria Melling and settled on a post-punk sound indebted to the genre’s new wave of artists like Shame, Warmduchser, and Viagra Boys. 

They took a moment to talk to us about their music. 

Hey there Duvet- how are you? So your track ‘Sweaty Dog’ is out now - can you tell us what it is about? 
Hello! Feeling very awesome. Our newest track is called Sweaty Dog, our guitarist Tasmin came to us with song and their lyrics. The lyrics are about being on a night out and it’s getting towards the end of the night and you’re covered in sweat surrounded by people just dancing non stop.

Where are you from and what are your favourite things to do there?
We’re from Manchester! We all love going out, there’s a load of great local venues and local bands in manchester. There’s a great gig venue/bar called The Peer Hat which is actually the place that the inspiration for the lyrics for Sweaty Dog came from funnily enough.

What are the key influences when it comes to your music?
Each member of the band has a variety of influences so I wouldn’t be able to put it down to just one! We all really love The B-52s and I think we’re inspired by them in the sense of wanting to make fun and danceable music, we also take inspiration from a few current bands like Viagra Boys, Amyl and The Sniffers and Shame to name a few!

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before?
Maybe like Post-Punk/Dance Punk, those genres probably describe our sound best!

Now the track is out there - what next for you?
We’re hoping to get some more tracks recorded and out there in the future. We just wanna keep playing shows maybe play some festivals in the next year. We’ve got a few shows coming up in Manchester, playing at Yes in November and The White Hotel in December which is one the venues in the Manchester we haven’t played at yet which will be super exciting.

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing