Plain White T's - 'Spaghetti Tatttoo'

Big hitters Plain White T’s return with heartfelt track ‘Spaghetti Tattoo’, a beautiful acoustic tune accompanied by beautifully creative music video. 

The band have had their fair share of huge love songs, and ‘Spaghetti Tattoo’ seems to be another added to the ever-growing list. Beautiful lyrics from singer Tom Higgenson tell the tale of a memorable first date, and the words are accompanied by that classic acoustic sound that the band have become synonymous with from songs such as ‘Hey There Delilah’.  

Accompanying the track is the video which depicts the band as puppets, and it beautifully brings the gentle song to life. It definitely makes for a track that will be memorable for fans.  

Higgenson has explained, himself, that the track stems from an experience where he ‘went on a great first date with a girl I’d been talking to and DM’ing for a while […] We laughed and drank and got lost in the moment, until we realized that we were the last two people in the restaurant’. 

The beauty of the origin of the song is certainly portrayed in the execution of the song. It really does feel like a song that fans can get lost in the moment to. One of those for the couples in the crowds, where people may become filled with affection and love for those they hold closest. 

It’s no surprise that the band have returned with a song of such high quality, based on their previous work. Since arriving on the scene in the late nineties, the band (Higgenson, Lopez, Retondo and Hamilton) have served up classic songs relentlessly, and ‘Spaghetti Tattoo’ is the perfect song to reintroduce the band to the forefront of the music world. 

The simplicity of the track in its acoustic arrangement seems the perfect decision by the group, as the natural and real sincerity can be truly felt. 

It definitely ‘Feels good not to know’, and I’m sure that the track will prove to be yet another hit for the Chicago outfit. 

Words by Matthew Caslin

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