Fenne Lily - 'Dawncolored Horse'

In anticipation of her third studio album, ‘Big Picture’, Fenne Lily releases her second single ‘Dawncolored Horse’ which captures both the closeness and the feelings of being trapped in a relationship.

British, singer-songwriter Fenne Lily is not one to sheer away from the complicated feelings we experience in our private relationships. From her 2018 album ‘On Hold’ to her 2020 album ‘Breach’, Lily has a way of capturing these raw emotions in almost a comforting way in which we feel safe to have experienced such human feelings. With the release of her second single ‘Dawncolored Horse’, we expect nothing less of a warm hug from her upcoming album in April.

The inspiration for this track comes from Richard Brautigan’s poem, ‘The Horse That Had A Flat Tire,’ Lilycreates a narrative to represent the comfort and uncomfortableness that closeness can bring us when we begin sharing our lives with one another. Written during the pandemic, Lily encapsulates these frustrations with the juxtaposition of her soft voice and country-inspired beat.

When discussing the track, Lily emphasises how the warmth of country music, such as Ronnie Lane and Slim Change, had on her creation. She stated how although the track came “from a place of total instability” it felt “stable” when she and the band brought it together.

‘Dawncolored Horse’ is a beautifully written track, that allows its listener to be fully immersed within past and current experiences of the comfort they felt with another person. With this latest single, and her previous single ‘Lights Light Up’, we are excited as to what more Lily has in store for us!

Words by Katherine Witts

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