Album Review: Inhaler - 'Cuts & Bruises'

Following up the hugely successful debut album, Inhaler give the fans what they want with the release of the second LP, ‘Cuts and Bruises’, which perfectly demonstrates the bands undeniable talent.  

The Dublin band had a task on their hands in following up the hugely successful debut ‘It Won’t Always Be Like This’, but the singles released in the build up to the sophomore record certainly fulfilled fans’ expectations and left them excited ahead of the new record.  

Beginning with ‘Just To Keep You Satisfied’ seems to have been the perfect decision by the group, as it so perfectly portrays the progression of the band’s talents. Its hugely suspenseful intro reintroduces the band so well, with the band coming in gradually, before lead singer- Elijah Hewson- makes his return. The music quietens, and all eyes (and ears) are on the frontman. The track seems to be the perfect set opener, for it builds up greatly before bursting into almost Stone-Roses-like fashion in its choruses. The track is the perfect reintroduction by the band.  

Intertwined within the record are the singles previously put out by the group: ‘Love Will Get You There’, ‘If You’re Gonna Break My Heart’, ‘These Are The Days’, and all have been eaten up with no complaints by fans. The band seem to have released the perfect tracks ahead of this record, a real range of emotions can be felt. From the clear fear of losing someone in ‘If You’re Gonna Break My Heart’, to the euphoric, careless ‘These Are The Days’, the singles gave fans a clear range of what the band have been about in these past couple of years ahead of the record.  

One of the most notable tracks within the record is the cult-classic ‘Dublin In Ecstasy’: a select number of fans have had access to the truly brilliant song, after it being an exclusive B-Side only available on vinyl. The track, now available to all, is destined to become a fan-favourite. It’s the perfect embodiment of what the band are about, from its delicate riffs of Josh Jenkinson, to the tight rhythms of bassist Robert Keating and drummer Ryan Mcmahon, all working alongside the beautiful vocals of Hewson. It’s almost a guarantee that this one will be something special at live shows, especially from the get-go as there will be that handful of fans already losing themselves to the track due to having the privilege of already owning it! 

‘Valentine’ is another to write home about amongst an album of straight-up indie hits. The directness of the track makes it that bit more impressive. There’s no ambiguity in the chorus: ‘Be my Valentine’. It’s an awesome display of sincerity and the track is one for the lovers. 

Immediately following the direct ‘Valentine’ is the extremely creative number ‘The Things I Do’. It’s safe to say that the musical arrangement of the track is somewhat different to the usual rock n’ roll ‘vibe’ that the band have become synonymous with. The song  is a world away from the previous in its lyrics. ‘I still don’t know why I do the things’. These words couldn’t be further from those of ‘Valentine’, and the placement of the tracks next to each other on the record is so very interesting. It gives the album that real feel of a journey, as if this isn’t just a collection of songs dumped together randomly, rather a true insight to the collective mind of the band, or even Hewson himself, in his experiences.  

It’s often said in the music world that the second album is the ‘tricky’ one, as artists seek to follow up the success of their debut release. Now, I can’t speak on the process of the making of this album, but it seems that the idea of it being ‘tricky’ was nothing to Inhaler. The group have absolutely smashed it with their sophomore release. 

‘Cuts and Bruises’ is perfectly rounded off by ‘Now You Got Me Where You Want Me’. Fuzzy in parts, distorted, yet the lyrics are so clear. It seems to be the progression of Hewson’s story which he’s told in the previous tracks. The perfect album finisher, the track rounds off the record in explosive style. Inhaler are known for their lively crowds, and I’m sure that this track will take the reputation to the next level. 

Sure to be a success, ‘Cuts and Bruises’ is the perfect follow up to Inhaler’s prior success. 2023 looks to be a huge year for the Irish group, who embark on their lengthy UK tour this month. With this, as well as a fair-few festival dates, it seems certain that Inhaler will be everywhere this year.  

Words by Matthew Caslin

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