Chloe Gallardo - 'god is dead'

Chloe Gallardo announces debut album, ‘Defamator’ with new single, ‘God Is Dead’.

With the launch of Chloe Gallardo’s debut album, ‘Defamator’ via Taxi Gauche Records, which will be by far her boldest, and more mature collection to date. Emblematic of genre-mishmash of ‘dark shoegaze-inspired indie rock’ in the 10-track set, it journeys the listener through a tightly-strung sequence of cautionary tales of detailing her bruising experiences of relationship trauma and abusive partners. The upcoming debut eases the listener across these disturbing subjects via the tranquil transcendence of its song. 

‘Defamator’ was written mostly during the peak-pandemic times in Gallardo’s bedroom, and the songs that made their way onto the album arose from a concerted period of healing. Drawing from teachings of therapy, the song writing process gave her the means to channel some deeply entrenched emotional scars, she explains that the first couple of sessions her therapist said was that she needed to let herself be angry at the things that has happened to me and the way people treated me, she then explains that “It really unlocked something in me. So, this album is me allowing myself to be angry at a handful of people in my life that have mistreated me.”

This venting of anger is implicit throughout the album. ‘Defamator’ is Gallardo’s own neologism, as she uses the concepts of ‘defamation’ and ‘defamatory speech to innovate a kind of pejorative accusation. As a result, it is like we are actively listening to Gallardo forcefully take command of her past. Chloe Gallardo explains that the ‘Defamator’ track is about someone who spoke untruthful things about her in order to manipulate her, she continues that “the way people perceived me, and I felt that was an underlying theme in most of the album.”

‘God Is Dead’ opens with a bell-like melody that sounds like the opening of a music box. Chloe Gallardo’s voice maintains like a whisper throughout the single, with the heart-breaking lyrics there is still optimism within the sound of the track. Which just shows the power and dedication of Gallardo’s song writing, she confesses that she still feels that; “it’s important to release the songs though. I grew into the person that I am from those experiences and maybe someone out there can relate to what I’ve written about.”

Words by Beth Simms