In Conversation With #248 - ARXX

Just over a month ago - Brighton duo ARXX released their debut album ‘Ride Or Die’. 

‘Ride Or Die’. It’s a phrase full of intensity and absoluteness – a commitment of unconditional, unwavering loyalty driven by love. As the title for the debut album from ARXX – the Brighton-based duo who have swiftly become one of the most exhilarating bands in the UK’s music scene – it’s a fierce summary of their whole ethos and unquenchable passion for music. “There’s no option to give up,” singer and guitarist Hanni Pidduck explains. “If we give up, we just lose the most important thing for us.”

They took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together. 

Hey there ARXX - how are you? So your album is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world? 
Hi! We’re great thanks! Ecstatic and terrified is how we’re feeling. We’ve been working on this record for such a long time and we're so excited to finally be sharing it with the world. 

It is called ‘Ride Or Die’ - what is the meaning behind that? 
Ride or Die started off as a song that was an unapologetic celebration of queer love, but we found a second meaning to it as we felt it really encapsulated our commitment to our band and the journey we’re taking together. 

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us? 
It started life in a barn in October 2021, where we recorded all the drums and loud guitars. We lived in the barn with our lovely producer Steve for 1 week, recording all day and watching ghost hunters all night. The rest we did in Steve’s Production Studio, which is like our second home. 

4. What are the key themes and influences on the album? 
Hanni writes from personal experiences so all of our songs have a queer perspective and cover a range of subject matters including love, friendship, mental health and sexuality. 
If the album could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why?
Something sad and gay with horses…. Like Brokeback Mountain? 

Do you have a favorite lyric on the album - if so, which one and why? 
Clara - “ I can feel my tongue inside my teeth” - DEEP It’s a feeling that everyone can relate to, but you don’t really think about it until someone has said it! It’s also my favourite song to play live. 
Hanni - “Time can only heal so much, when you’re running out of patience”- Baby Uh Huh It says exactly what I mean! 

Now the album is out there - what next? 
Touring, Touring, Touring, Touring, Touring, Touring!! ( We love it ).

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