Trophy Eyes - 'Life In Slow Motion'

Trophy Eyes’ ‘Life in Slow Motion’ reminds us that we can overcome difficult moments in our life that we thought we couldn’t, while reassuring us that we are not alone in our struggles or the emotions they make us feel.

Australian punk rockers Trophy Eyes released their latest single ‘Life in Slow Motion’ on the 31st of May. The band are gearing up to release their fourth album ‘Suicide and Sunshine’ on the 23rd of June.

“‘Life in Slow Motion’ is my assessment of life itself, and the way we as humans navigate life and time here on Earth.” Says John Floreani. “Searching for meaning in chaos, I found myself seeing signs in number patterns and small examples of beauty in ordinary life; a hug at the bar exchanged between friends, a crinkled photo of a loved one kept close, a kindness or smile. What they mean, I can’t say, but sometimes if you look hard enough and sit quietly enough, life reaches out and speaks to you.” Floreani’s description of the track easily transports us to moments where we found ourselves noticing small details of what was happening around us, while also reminding us not to take them for granted – they are what it means to be living in the moment.

The latest single captures what it means to be human and to experience what life has in store for us, both the positive and negative moments in time. It gives us time to think about everything we have been through, and are currently going through, and how these experiences have shaped us and strengthened us even when we thought they were going to break us.

The reassurance that “everything is temporary” feels like a promise, one many of Trophy Eyes’ fans may need to hear at different points in their lives. We often feel so isolated during difficult moments, so knowing we’re not alone in that feeling is in a way comforting.

Trophy Eyes’ fourth album ‘Suicide and Sunshine’ is about contrast, particularly the contrasts we often experience in our lifetimes, and the latest track captures these contrasts between the beauty and tragedy of life perfectly.

On the topic of the fourth album that’s set to be released on June 23rd, John Floreani explained that “it’s the human experience. What we experience and how we navigate it. The millions of tiny flashes of light that are memories and thoughts and feelings and smells, all those little moments make up a lifetime. They’re beautifully tragic because they don’t mean anything to anyone, and on the scale of everything in the universe don’t mean a damn thing. But it’s so beautiful that they happen in the first place.”

Prior to the release of ‘Life in Slow Motion,’ Trophy Eyes spent the 27 and 28th of May playing Slam Dunk South and North. 2023 is all set to be Trophy Eyes’ year if their performances at Slam Dunk were anything to go by, along with how well received ‘Life in Slow Motion’ has been received.

Words by Bethany Ellis