In Conversation With #262 - Blair Davie

Scottish singer-songwriter Blair Davie has just released their brand new EP ‘It’ll Be Lovely’. 

Capturing more of that warm and effervescent alt-pop aesthetic they have been cultivating since they first emerged, ‘It’ll Be Lovely’ EP stands as a statement of self-discovery and realisation about who they truly are, and the emotional turmoil that can be unearthed as a result. Arriving with the new single ‘Edge Of A Feeling”, the final entry from the new collection, this new outing caps off this monumental moment in their career so far with one of their most triumphant offerings to date

They took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together. 

Hey there Blair Davie - how are you? So your EP is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world? 
Hi! I’m wonderful thank you, so happy my EP is finally out. I’ve been sitting on most of these songs for over a year now so it feels beautiful to get to share them with the world.

It is called ‘It’ll Be Lovely’ - what is the meaning behind that? 
It’s an EP that captures a time of my life where everything was changing. From learning to cope with anxiety, exploring my gender identity and truly falling in love and doing long distance for the first time - it was a magical but turbulent period. One thing I constantly found myself saying was, “it’s all good, it’ll be lovely” and then I managed to squeeze that sentiment into a song and I knew early on that it would be the title of my EP.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us? 
It was mostly recorded with the amazing Joe Rubel at his old studio Pixel in Tileyard London which is where we wrote a lot of songs together, including 'Lovely'. My favourite memory from it was being so worried about recording 'Found My Person' as the original demo was just a piano ballad but I knew I wanted it to be bigger. I got to watch and help Joe work his magic and turn it into something unique and special. It really was a “trust the process” moment because I wasn’t sure if it would ever get to what I was hearing it in my head, but we got there and I’m so proud of it.

What are the key themes and influences on the EP? 
I think it just captures different ideas related to growing up and learning about how to live in the world. Finding love, dealing with mental health and exploring who you are all come under the banner of experiencing real life. I took the ideas for the songs just from the things that were affecting me most and just tried to be as honest as I could in the songwriting.

If the EP could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why? 
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Or really any coming of age film, it’s my favourite genre and I feel like the characters could really relate to the songs in the way that I relate to them.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP - if so, which one and why? 
“Cause oh my love, how beautiful it is to miss you” is probably my favourite. For me it was a really mature realisation that missing someone (as painful and turbulent as that can be) is a beautiful thing because it shows how much you care about them. I feel so lucky to get to live my life with my heart on my sleeve and to feel the biggest feelings and try to process them in my songwriting.

Now the EP is out there - what next? 
I’m touring with some wonderful artists like 86tvs and Corook before the end of the year and I can’t wait! I’ve been writing lots and getting started on my next body of work too.

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