EP Review: Nieve Ella - 'Lifetime Of Wanting'

Nieve Ella goes from strength to strength with her new EP ‘Lifetime Of Wanting’. A body of work brimming with quality and catchiness.  

Having received extremely positive comments from the likes of NME as well as The Forty-Five, Nieve Ella has been drawing attention from all angles, and for good reason. Everything she puts out seems to be nothing short of brilliant.  

After the success of her first EP ‘Young and Naive’, fans were full of excitement ahead of her next body of work. Bridging the gap between the two have been some simply excellent singles which have made their way onto ‘Lifetime Of Wanting’. 

‘Big House’ is the first of these, and it’s the first track on the new EP. It feels to be a beautifully honest number in which Ella expresses some pretty passionate emotions, expressed in such stark fashion. It’s brilliant. The honesty is reflected in her vocal performance. Topping it all off is a brilliant band display which makes for such a full sounding number.  

Following the opener are two tracks which were also released as singles ahead of the EP. ‘His Sofa’ and most recent: ‘Your Room’. The first of these is just breath-taking. The way that the track culminates with a big full sound as the singer bursts into chorus makes for such an honesty that’s hard to imitate. “Don’t say that it’s over, I’ve made up my mind” exclaims Nieve Ella at each chorus. The track is brilliant. It’s no wonder that it’s proved popular at both live dates as well as on streaming platforms.  

As the latest single, and the final taster for fans ahead of the full EP, ‘Your Room’ is perfect. It shows off just how strong Nieve Ella is. It’s one that’s sure to wow crowds for the foreseeable future with a perfectly catchy chorus that doesn’t compromise any of its honesty or quality. It remains full of both of these, whilst being perfect for crowds to sing along with. 

The tail end of the EP is where the new material can be found. ‘Car Park’ is the first of two new tracks. NieveElla has explained that “’Car Park’ is the acknowledgement that relationships aren’t always perfect, and they take hard work from both ends. But, having that constant in your life, that person being there for you and loving you despite your flaws, makes it all worthwhile.”  This theme is undeniable in the track, with a brilliant band display making for a brilliant track. 

The title song ‘Lifetime Of Wanting’ closes things out. A much slower, stripped back track that begins centred around a solitary guitar, paired with the beautifully distinctive vocal of Ella. The track feels so raw and emotional. It’s the perfect number to conclude what is a fantastic EP. The emotions are clear as Ella sings about someone being ‘Everything I wanted’. As this is repeated, the instruments build up and the end of the track bursts with sound for a short while, before reverting to the stripped back vibes of the opening. It’s beautiful. 

With that, Nieve Ella’s second EP ‘Lifetime Of Wanting’ is over. It’s stunning. A brilliant display of vocal power and raw emotions, she never misses. Nieve Ella is set for great things.  

Words by Mathew Caslin

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