Introducing #279 - Tendertwin

Let us introduce you to this magical new artist - Tendertwin, who has just released her track ‘Asking’ - the first taste of her new EP ‘Ship Argo’  which is due out in July. 

Nurtured transatlantic, Tendertwin is a forager for half-lived stories. Born in Istanbul, Bilge Nur Yilmaz's distinctive voice subtly soaks up Turkey’s rich musical heritage from the lapping tides of the Black Sea and Mediterranean, and filters it through drifting time spent in Philadelphia, Oxford, and London — a familiar folk sound with an industrial glitch where landscapes are entangled in ambient sounds, wrong-footing melodies and unpredictable arrangements. 

Building from its delicate beginnings into a sprawling soundscape of fuzzy tones and layers of harmonies, ‘Asking’ displays the remarkable depth of Tendertwin’s songwriting — bringing together elements of melancholic, ethereal alternative-folk with expressive, high-octane alt-rock tones.

She took a moment to talk to us about her music and future plans. 

1. Hey there Tendertwin- how are you? So your track ‘Asking’ is out now - can you tell us what it is about? 
Ahoy, I'm afloat — thank you! "Asking" is about asking — the precursor to asking is often confusion, followed by a certain will to clarify something. You can ask for forgiveness, you can ask for space, you can ask the time. 
They say, "Ask, and you shall be given" — they don't tell you that what you'll get is usually not what you asked for. For me, this song is a battle fused with frustration — a plea for connection, a longing for touch. We all want simple things, some of us ask for what we want. Is that all too much? Can I live, and love through it all?

Your EP is out in July - what can we expect from it? 
You can expect to hear demented tales of water, lots of strings, my newborn niece, 19 different languages, the ebb and flow of things past and present — Ship Argo has many stories-turned-songs I compiled in transit, whilst trying to figure out my time and place in relation to whatever's around me. The EP takes its title from the mythological Greek ship which is said to be the first ship to sail the seas as mentioned in Argonautica. The wood itself imbued the ship with magical powers, such as the ability to speak and produce its own prophecies. This collection of songs is my ship— these songs were vessels that carried me, and kept me safe over the past few years when I was always moving. 

Where are you from and what are your favourite things to do there? 
I'm from Bodrum, the Aegean coast of Turkey — not too far from where Ship Argo set sail in Argonautica. My favorite activity there is running towards the sea, diving deep to excavate shiny shells from the sand, and feeling slightly dizzy as I surface, out of breath. Then, I enjoy floating on my back in a starfish position, arms outstretched, to take a brief rest.
Where I'm from is a difficult question. Maybe lately, I'm from London. My favourite thing to do in London is watching the clouds. The clouds of London are special. In Istanbul, my favourite activity is taking the ferry to the Princes' Islands and packing a picnic. 

What are the key influences when it comes to your music? 
I take inspiration from bits of different things. Nature in all its glory can take all the credit, or a stranger's texts I glean into on the underground. I have to cite Pablo Neruda, Rainer Maria Rilke, and T.S. Eliot as undeniable literary influences. Compositionally, it's probably a great mix — from icons like Nick Drake or Joan Armatrading to modern masters like Meredith Monk or Caroline Shaw.

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before? 
Last time I answered "It’s here and there, it’s now but then. Expect confusion, twenty-three vocal channels, a bit of despair, and somewhat nautical drama?" to this question. I think I'm going to stick with that.

Now the track is out there - what next for you?
Trickling of the other singles, and the final splash of the EP where I finally jump into the water. Ship Argo is out July 5th, followed by a few Europe dates in October. Stay peeled!