The Rolling People - 'The Thief'

Stockport’s fastest rising act The Rolling People unleash the relentless new single: ‘The Thief’.

The band have done more than put their name on the map in recent months. An abundance of brilliant music that has captivated thousands has drummed up a real hype around The Rolling People. Their recorded music is brilliant, so too are their live shows, which have ceaselessly grown with each performance. This has resulted in the band achieving a huge, hometown headline at Manchester’s o2 Ritz later this year.

The band don’t show any signs of slowing down now they’re reaching the big venues, though, and the latest single is evidence of this.

‘The Thief’ is an emphatic single. Pacey, crunchy guitars kick things off, being added to by a thudding drum beat. In an instant, the entire band are alive and kicking. The pace is relentless, maintained through the verses. Frontman Charlie McNichol transcends the epic track, with commanding vocals that drive the entire song.

The band work with the frontman’s striking voice through an initial verse and chorus, before all members once again explode into a youthfully chaotic section where all members display their raw talent. The lead guitar riff is particularly notable, infectiously taking over the listener.

At less than two minutes, the track is a whirlwind of a number. Blink and you’ll miss it. The Rolling People don’t wait for the listener to take an interest, they seize the attention of anyone who hears ‘The Thief’.

McNichol spoke on the track, saying: “’The Thief’ is a song that we’ve had for a long time in our live set, but we haven’t got around to recording it until recently. It focuses on the power struggle that the common man has with those in charge and is sort of a spit at the people who are pulling the strings from above. It’s our most rocking tune yet and we can’t wait to get it going at the live shows.”

Fans of the band will be delighted that this one’s finally here for all to enjoy. The Rolling People have smashed it with their latest single. It’s no wonder, given the form they’re in at the moment…

Words by Matthew Caslin