Album Review: Been Stellar - 'Scream From New York, NY'

After capturing the attention of thousands with some impressive singles, Been Stellar set free their debut album, ‘Scream From New York, NY’.

The New York-based group have sent out a series of striking statements to the musical world with their material thus far. Having impressed almost everyone who hears their grippingly raw music, Been Stellar landed themselves a hugely admirable support slot with The 1975 as they toured Europe.

With ‘Scream From New York, NY’ being the band’s first full-length body of work, there has been great anticipation ahead of its release… and for good reason. Been Stellar are right up there with the hottest and most exciting acts in modern music.

Their debut album begins with ‘Start Again’, a track that is unforgivingly fast-paced. Listeners have no time to strap themselves in, Been Stellar take them-swiftly- into the deep end. Their sound is unique, grungy and effortlessly cool. Lead singer Sam Slocum’s voice is distinctive, full of emotion and immediately striking. He belts out the words “New York is wasting, start again. Start again” as the band create a frenzy of beautiful chaos around him. With that, the door to their debut album is blown off its hinges.

‘Passing Judgement’ immediately follows the opener. This one has been alive and kicking since its release earlier this year. The song has become a fan favourite, with big choruses that will get crowds across the globe bouncing to the irresistibly rocky, free-flowing sound.

Another of the singles released in the run up to the record itself was ‘Pumpkin’. This one diverges somewhat from some of Been Stellar’s other material. The track itself is slower and more psychedelic than tracks like ‘Start Again’. Its quality is of equal value, though, with this one boasting some of the band’s best work. Guitar of Skylar Knapp and Nando Dale is at the forefront of this one. Harmonic riffs with chorus filled chords around them create a sound reminiscent of some post-punk outfits we’ve come to know and love over the years. What must be acknowledged, though, is that Been Stellar consistently tap into these sounds that we’ve become familiar with and make them their own.

Perhaps the pick of the bunch in terms of tracks is the brilliant ‘Can’t Look Away’. This one builds hugely climatic tension from the off, with expert drumming from Laila Wayans creating a pace that has a real edge to it. Been Stellar conjure up a sound in ‘Can’t Look Away’ that creates the sense that anything could happen. It perfectly reflects the edge and angst felt in the band’s home of New York today.

The influence of New York in the finished product that is this album cannot be understated. Been Stellar have explained that ‘Scream From New York, NY’ is a record about what happens when language fails- between friends, partners, a city and its citizens- and the primal scream you might let out when words just don’t work anymore.   This frustration, anger and confusion can be felt in abundance in tracks like ‘Can’t Look Away’.

With just ten tracks, Been Stellar’s debut record is straight to the point. This might be what makes it even more gripping. It’s there, in your face.

Towards the tail end of the record, there is room for another slower track, in the form of ‘Takedown’. This one is rhythmic and gentle. As the band head to the end of their first record, ‘Takedown’ acts as the moment of reflection on what has come before it. It’s beautiful, with really gripping instrumental moments. The bass of Nico Brunstein is careful, emotive and pairs the stunning voice of Slocum brilliantly.

The final number of the record is ‘I Have the Answer’, a track that kicks off with heavily reverberated guitar sounds which begin slowly playing before rapidly speeding up to a huge climax that kicks the rest of the group into action. It almost sounds as if the guitars burst and the rest of the track is freed from a metaphorical bubble.

The track is carefully paced in its verses, with a tight rhythm section working with the voice of Slocum to create a chillingly beautiful sound. As it reaches its choruses, the track becomes even more brilliant. The front man is emotive with his words as the instrumental section erupts. He sings: “I have the answer just for a little while. I know what it’s like, just for a little while.” His emotion is evident and is expertly conveyed by the rest of Been Stellar who compliment his voice with ease, as they have all record long.

As ‘I Have the Answer’ comes to a close, so too does the debut album of Been Stellar. The hype surrounding the band has been truly warranted. This album is stunning. It’s a beautifully chaotic body of music that is reflective, damning and hopeful all at the same time.

Been Stellar are set for big things, and ‘Scream From New York, NY’ is one of the best debut albums in recent times.

Words by Matthew Caslin