Band of the Week #280 - Wishy

This week’s Band of the Week is our dream-pop fuzzy favourites Wishy – who have just released their debut album ‘Triple Seven’.

Wishy are led by a pair of celebrated Indiana songwriters in Kevin Krauter and Nina Pitchkites, and while Krauter took the lead vocal on the album's first single, ‘Triple Seven’ sees Pitchkites take the central role. As with its predecessor, the track feels like it's been beamed in from some more perfect guitar pop reality, swirling together a broad collection of influences from alternative music history into a tightly-written and brightly-arranged pop gem.

They took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together.

Hey there Wishy, how are you? So your album is out now – how does it feel to have it out there?
Feels great knowing awesome people everywhere will be able to experience what we’ve been working on for several years -nina

It is called ‘Triple Seven’ – what is the meaning behind that?
We named it after the title track ‘Triple Seven’ which felt fitting because that song helped propel a new era of music for us -nina
Everything’s felt really lucky so far, it only made sense to keep the energy going by naming the whole album ‘Triple Seven’ and honestly its just nice sounding at the end of the day, not incredibly deep haha -kev

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories you are willing to share with us?
It was mostly recorded in Bloomington, Indiana at Russian Recording but two tracks were recorded in Los Angeles. Recording at Russian was a memorable experience in that it’s the first time the whole band has recorded together. We got to stay at the studio for a week and sleep in bunk beds like children and pet their cats. -nina

What are the key influences behind the album?
So many… the Bats, the Sundays, Rocketship, My Bloody Valentine, to name a few. -nina
Jimmy Eat World, the Shins, the Strokes, Oasis… idk if many people have heard of those guys… kinda obscure. -kev

If the album could be a soundtrack to any film – which one and why?
The live-action feature-length film Scooby-Doo (2002) because just like the movie this album really just has it all, love, mischief, ghosts both real and contrived, souls lost, stolen away only to be returned again… -kev

Do you have a favourite lyric on the album? If so, which one and why?
“Woooohhh!” - nina and kev

Now the album is out there – what next for you?
We’re doing our first headline tour in the fall! It’s gonna be a couple weeks in Europe and an east and west coast US tour at the end of the year. Otherwise just working on some new Wishy music as well as other projects, going to work at our jobs, hanging out with our friends, living in the moment, etc..

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