Inspired #429 - Hana Lili

We are expecting some big things from Hana Lili – forever rising with each release! New single ‘Bedroom Floor’ sees her filled with emo melodies and shoegaze fuzzy guitar!

Hana ensures that such rock influences are grounded within the framework of an instantly memorable pop song. Her authenticity again informs the lyrics, which explores the kind of intense feelings that will speak to her growing audience. While her vocals are sweetly saccharine and on point throughout, she also gives the track a shot of personality by including a take of her voice breaking into laughter during the song’s final moments.
Hana says, “‘Bedroom Floor’ is a song that describes the drama and cathartic feeling of living in the moment. I had a lot of fun with the lyrics when writing this song but also realised the vulnerability when talking about your feelings, even happy, celebratory ones. When producing the track I had a lot of fun running the synths through a multitude of different guitar pedals and  really enjoyed playing around with the juxtaposition of creating dramatic production sounds to contrast with talking about making out on a bedroom floor. Justification for the ‘big light’ being OFF!”

She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music.

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
At the moment I’m massively into Deftones, Kacey Musgraves and The Pixies. I’m really into the guitar tones and the production of Deftones, it’s really inspiring now I’m experimenting with sounds when producing. I ran a synth through 4 different guitar pedals on the latest record and it was SO MUCH FUN! Also Kacey Musgraves is such beautiful songwritier, it’s always the album I put on when I want a refresh or a massive hug. And the Pixies are SO COOL.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
If I’m honest I struggle to sit still when watching a film. I find it hard to sit down and watch the movie without doing something else. But I love watching TV series, at the moment I'm watching the circle .. it’s great to switch off to.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why? 
I’ve been writing a lot in Hastings at the moment and it’s been really fun. The vibe down there is so free and I’ve been able to disconnect from the world. When being creative, I really value the space to let go of any ego, self doubt and just have fun creating music. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
It’s dependent on the people in my life. I tend to write almost like a play by play of what’s happening in my life as it’s happening. I’m always disecting and proccessing my emotions when writing, and also proccessing how I feel about certain situations, people and the things happening around me.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track? 
Making out on bedroom floors, hating the big light and sat in the hallway wearing my buffalo boots.

How would you like to inspire people?
I want people to feel like they can get to know me through my music, know all my thoughts and feelings, can have fun and can dance or cry to my music in thier bedrooms. Songwriting is the place where I am my most honest, something I’m not as good as in day to day life and so I hope my music helps and relates to other people.

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