Big Warm Bed - 'Jackie'
Photo by Jacob Cracknell
Big Warm Bed releases soft and reflective new single ‘Jackie’ is the most recent unveiling of his debut EP, ‘Shores I’m Swimming In’.
Having already been signed to indie label Polkadot, Big Warm Bed’s Jacob Andrews has seen a steady and hopeful journey in his career so far. Dancing across tender chords and mellow vocals, his new release ‘Jackie’ offers up a laid-back, thoughtful listen. Beginning us off is a gentle plucking of a guitar with a warm, canned sound. It sets a heavy yet thoughtful tone and lays out solid ground for the rest of the song – the kind that is perfect for a chilled late-night summer evening.
The music video features Jacob Andrews wandering grassy hills and rocky terrain, all while desperately grasping onto a bright orange umbrella despite the obviously windy weather. This offers up an additional layer of meaning to the song - one of still having to trudge through the hardships of life despite what gets thrown at you. Lyrics such as “I won’t cry / Not even from the shampoo in my eye” gives a nostalgic child-like twist and wanting to stay as brave as possible even when it’s the little things.
Despite the song showcasing a simple set of instruments, the combination Andrews’ vocals, guitar, piano, and murmuring synth-like backing come together as an effective quartet; with the vocals and instruments never overpowering each other while still maintaining enough variety to add depth.
With ever-growing support from fans old and new, Big Warm Bed has racked up tens of thousands of listens across just three songs released onto streaming platforms. The Yorkshire-based newcomer’s future into the indie world is bright - having already dipped his toes into the touring life as part of Far Caspian’s backing band, Jacob Andrews begins his own tour journey this autumn. With the release of his debut EP ‘Shores I’m Swimming In’ set for September 26th, exciting times are ahead!
Words by Cameron Cookson