In Conversation With #285 - Big Warm Bed

Rising Leeds indie artist Big Warm Bed - has just released his debut EP 'Shores I'm Swimming In' - which has been released via Dance To The Radio, home to the likes of Ellur and Far Caspian.

Specialising in laid-back yet wistful musings under his alias, the Yorkshire-based newcomer Jacob Andrews has already revealed three lead singles (‘Should’ve Seen it Coming’, ‘Jackie’ and ‘Can’t Quit’) following his signing to the revered indie label, with impressive backing across BBC 6 Music (Emily Pilbeam) and the press community (Dork, So Young Magazine) greeting his introduction.

Having toured the globe as part of Far Caspian’s backing band, Big Warm Bed navigates universal themes of friendship and loss through a tasteful retro-rock lens akin to Kevin Morby and Willie J Healey; with the musician set to take his live show on the road this autumn, including a debut headliner at Leeds’ Hyde Park Book Club, and festival slot at Left Of The Dial following his debut EP release.

Detailing his debut EP, Big Warm Bed stated: “‘Shores I’m Swimming In’ is a short body of work that I guess is a timestamp of the last 4 or 5 years of my life. I have gained friends and lost friends in that time, I’ve had ups and downs with the rigmaroles of trying to quit smoking, I lost my mum in that time. Things like that evoke different types of emotions in me, which I try to write about as a way to deal with those feelings. It’s not all doom and gloom though, whilst there are underlying themes of loss and frustration on this EP, I try to sweeten it up with upbeat and triumphant instrumentation to show that every cloud, albeit grey and heavy, does have a silver lining.”

He took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together.

Hey there, how are you? So your EP is out now – how does it feel to have it out there?
I’m real good thank you, feels good to finally have the EP released into the wild for everyone to enjoy!

It is called ‘Shores I'm Swimming In’ – what is the meaning behind that?
I originally pulled that from a lyric in a song that hasn’t made it onto the EP. The original lyric is to do with spending time with my partner. But I suppose now it has found a new meaning as the name of the EP, it’s kind of a metaphor for how I think about my life. I’ve always sort of seen it all as one big swell that sort pulls you in different directions and you can never truly predict what’s going to happen to you next. You’ll always find yourself on different shores and you’ll always have to swim and navigate yourself through whatever life throws at you.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories you are willing to share with us?
I recorded it with my good friend Harry Jordan at his studio Bam Bam Studios. We’ve worked together on a lot of music and he’s become a very good friends through working with each other. The recording process wasn’t really anything out of the ordinary. We spent a long time recording it bit by bit as to adhere to both of our busy schedules, sometimes we just did a day a week or sometimes we spent a week together. A lot of late nights giggling and thinking up ideas!

What are the key influences behind the EP?
Sonically I would say it’s influenced both by contemporary soft rock and folk artists like Sam Evian, Chris Cohen and Jennifer Castle. Then I will always say George Harrison and The Beatles, they are a constant well of influence for me.
Lyrically I just tend to write about different scenarios I find myself in within my life. I try to write music to help make sense of things. Or to try and help me understand my emotions surrounding those certain situations. 

If the EP could be a soundtrack to any film – which one and why?
That’s a tough question that i can’t think of a good enough answer to. However, I’ve always imagined the first track on the EP ‘Under A Tree’ being played over the opening scene of a cowboy coming over the sunset in a spaghetti western. So i’ll say A Fistful of Dollars

Do you have a favourite lyric on the EP? If so, which one and why?
I like the lyrics in Mustard Stained Shirt as they’re about dreams and conversations about dreams. 

I like the lyric ‘Or so it seems, in my dreams, when you’re floating downstream and coming up clean it means more to me’. A few friends and I have always exchanged our dreams and I always enjoy those conversations. I quite regularly feel refreshed after floating down the river of dreams, and I like to share that with my friends.

Now the EP is out there – what next for you?
More music! I’m currently just finishing off another EP that i’m hoping to get out as soon as possible. That and more shows, you’ll be hearing more from me definitely!

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