Album Review: The Ninth Wave - 'Infancy'


After having released a sneak peak of their debut album with ‘Infancy Part I’ in April, The Ninth Wave have finally dropped the complete record and it was more than worth the seven-month wait. 

The Ninth Wave have proven time and time again that they can’t be put in a box, that they surpass genres and break boundaries. With ‘Infancy’ they have a created a piece of art that’s a little emo, a little rock, a little nostalgic and epic from every angle.

It’s impossible to compare The Ninth Wave to other artists because they are so distinctively different but one thing’s for sure: with two strong vocalists, their sound is designed to capture attention. Both, Haydn and Millie, have been blessed with voices that it’s hard to tear yourself away from. They’re intoxicating, almost hypnotic, and when they harmonise, they create a whole new dimension of sound. 

With such talent on the mic, it’s no wonder that ‘Infancy’ is a wonderfully eclectic record. In fact, it can be anything you want it to be. In the mood to rock out? Put on ‘Half Pure’ or ‘Imitation’ two guitar heavy anthems made to shake off all your earthly troubles. Feeling emotional? Try ‘Unspoken’ or ‘Human Behaviour’. Wrapped in calm, soothing verses, both songs build up to big, impossible to resist, choruses that can easily drown out the noise of the world if need be. Trying to win over your parents? Play them ‘This Broken Design’; if they liked Depeche Mode chances are, they will love this. As far as debuts go, it’s safe to say The Ninth Wave have hit the ball out of the park. 

But beware the title: ‘Infancy’. Baby steps. This is only the start for The Ninth Wave. We haven’t even reached childhood or puberty, yet. There is so much more to come for the four-piece from Glasgow and at this rate, they’re going to be ahead of the curve. 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven

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