Album Review: Mom Jeans - 'Sweet Tooth'

Four years since the release of their second album Puppy Love, Californian emo outfit Mom Jeans are back with a brand new sound for their third full length release Sweet Tooth.

Beginning with the release of their first single “What’s Up?”, fans were greeted by a roaring pop punk anthem that would not feel out of place in the heydays of the 90’s and 00’s and this is what Sweet Tooth is all about. The decision to move away from a raw and gritty sound to a more polished, cleaner one must not have been an easy one to make, but the boys have pulled off the transition with flying colours. 

Keeping Mom Jeans signature lyrics of hard hitting home truths and the struggles of life, as well as the slower sound fans have become accustomed to since Mom Jeans burst onto the scene in 2014 such as “Graduating Life” and “Ten Minutes”, both new and old fans of the band will have something to love. The boys have clearly looked towards their live shows with the release of this album, with many songs perfect to be shouted at the top of your lungs. Not many people will be leaving their shows with their voice sounding as it did when they walked in. 

With powerful, essential pop punk riffs and their always sincere and heartfelt take on emo lyrics, Mom Jeans perfect formula of how to create an emo anthem is still very much on show. Their take on modern pop punk fits perfectly into the current climate and will no doubt further their popularity. Whether this new direction is here to stay or is simply just testing the waters of what could be, the future looks very bright and I for one cannot wait to hear what comes next. Mom Jeans are performing at this year’s Slam Dunk festival and if you’re going to be there, they are not someone to miss. Make sure to also give Sweet Tooth a spin upon release on 25th February 2022, it will not disappoint.

Words by Thomas Maclachlan

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