Mixtape Review: Biig Piig - 'Bubblegum'

Following on from a string of EPs and what seems like an overnight success, Biig Piig is giving the world a step along her new path with the short and sweet Bubblegum.

Making the move from the United States back to her London homeworld, pop’s latest sensation is bringing it back home with the seven-track adventure. Starting strong with the catchy ‘Only One’, she’s giving her entire voice and soul to the ever-growing fandom before her. The laidback feeling and mixes of lo-fi and electronic elements make it a more modern anthem, especially among her young adult demographic.

In the follow-on track ‘Liquorice’, it’s a Biig Piig ballad in its clearest definition of one. Comparing her heart and her attention to the popular sweet, she uses the bouncy-pop bop to tell her own love story in a clear and unique manner. “I wanna be the one you end up with,” she repeats throughout the track, and it’s so simple but it’s so effective. Using the idea of “ending up” with the controversial sweet snack and twisting it into a more ameliorative metaphor is nothing short of clever and could even be questioned to be genius from a songwriting stance.

Every listener and fan alike are allowed to have their opinion on this, but there is no lying about her writing talents and the improvement she is going through as she continues to bring new music.

One of the best sounding tracks within the collection would be ‘Ghostin’, an ode to low self-esteem. Speaking about wanting to disappear, hide behind a new identity, there is an idea that this is a dream after what seemed like a quick ascent to the top of the streaming sites. Biig Piig has been rising over the last year, and there is no ceiling in sight. She might be looking to find a way to hide when the fame gets too frustrating; or a way to change herself enough to remain living the everyday life everyone else is entitled to. Once again, this is a song with lyrics clear but ambiguous enough to think over, and that leads to more listens and a higher chance of getting those words stuck in the head.

Biig Piig’s on her way to something major if Bubblegum is anything to go by. She’s using this short-scale release to show everyone she’s getting better and she’s got what it takes to make it in the brutal competitive world that is popular music. With lyrics that will make one think, sounds that will make one dance, and a voice soft enough to soothe people to sleep after a tough day, there is nothing that she can’t do right now.

Get ready. Biig Piig is ready to blow.

Words by Jo Cosgrove

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