Dumfun - Death Warmed Up'

3 Piece grunge outfit Dumfun send out an undeniable message to the music world with their debut release ‘Death Warmed Up’. 

Brighton seems to have yet another up and coming outfit on its hands. It really seems to be the epicentre for quality new music recently. Dumfun add to this reputation tenfold with their debut release. 

The three piece certainly make some noise, almost reminiscent of great bands such as Nirvana… They’ve achieved that real, full sound with just three members. The track ‘Death Warmed Up’ is almost certain to send crowds into complete Bedlam, with its huge basslines and fast drumming. It has everything you could possibly ask for in a grunge song: it’s fast, its aggressive, it makes you want to lose control in a crowd. It’s the ideal initial release for the group.  

Dumfun have set themselves up for a hugely interesting future with their primary release. Often we see bands taking a few songs to get going properly, but the Brighton rockers have dived straight in with a powerful first track. 

Not only this, but the group have backed up such a strong single with an equally brilliant B-side, in the form of ‘Breathe’. The track is filled with classic, twangy guitar sounds with shows the strengths of the groups. They can achieve different styles well, with ease. From ‘Death Warmed Up’ with its heavily bass-focussed instrumentation, to ‘Breathe’ with its focus on more classic guitar sounds. 

Despite the release being the bands first, they aren’t completely new to the music scene. Playing their first gig in June 2022, the group have already made quite a name for themselves, having already headlined shows.  

The band look to be onto big things this year, and the debut release ill kick it all off, followed by a hometown release show almost immediately after. Check out Dumfun. 

Words by Matthew Caslin

WTHB OnlineReviews, Single Review