EP Review: Kitty Fitz - ‘All My Own Stunts'

Goodbye, Grumpy Cat!

Sayonara, Salem! 

& Toodle-oo, Tigger! 

There's a new cat in town. 

The incomparable Kitty Fitz releases her highly anticipated EP, ‘All My Own Stunts’, and it's a rhythmic, melodic and mellow treat for the senses from start to finish! 

The opener, 'Malibu' immediately sets the tone, a palette cleanse for your senses, it instantly transports you to the desired headspace and like its alcoholic namesake it’s soft & warming with a glossy finish.

Kitty’s soft but assertive vocals begin, with a short and precise intonation, you feel like she’s talking to you, she’s telling a story and she means every word.

The music itself acts as a sophisticated, balanced accompaniment to Kitty’s, almost ASMR like, vocals. It Ebbs and Flows seamlessly utilising clever instrumentation, musical themes and calming rhythms. All in ‘Malibu’ is an anti-escapist anthem highlighting the reality, and ultimate futility, of trying to run away to escape all of your problems. It is effortlessly elegant, carefully constructed and most importantly, Magical.

'Mean' & 'I Want Your Love(Oh My God)', act as the proverbial meat in the E.P sandwich. 

'Mean' builds upon the themes and tone first introduced in 'Malibu'. At it's heart 'Mean' is a Neo-Poetic letter; devoid of conventional song structure and at times it falls in to a stream of consciousness vibe, while still maintaining the intoxicating rhythms and beautiful melody already established. 

'I Want Your Love (Oh My God)' is exactly what you'd expect from a song from this space and time. A sophisticated twist on the E.Ps theme, with similar strong melodic and rhythmic undercurrents, however, unlike the first songs, there is a raw, emotionally pleading qaulity throughout. This song feels like the most personal song, a true, unpolished, glimpse inside the artist's thoughts and feelings.

The final song, 'All My Life', is the culmination of all established and acts as a linchpin, tying everything together. On top of the beautiful song craft we've grown to expect, this song is, specifically, chock full of clever, quirky lyricism aswell and is a beautiful, euphoric climax to an all round excellent record.

In it's entirety, 'All My Own Stunts' is a beautifully crafted, whimsical feast, greater than the sum of it's, considerable, parts.

It sits right in an electronic sub-pocket floating carefree like an old DVD screensaver, hitting the corners Every. Single. Time. The melodies are infectiously memorable and inate in nature 

The instrumentation has a dry/natural, acoustic feel, but dichotomic in nature; peppered with echoes of synth/electronic music of days of old; from sounds of T.V pioneers like ‘Delia Derbyshire’ (of Dr. Who fame) to feels, rhythms and cadence that wouldn’t sound out of place during ‘MF Doom’s’ more sombre moments. It rests right on the edge and is a marriage of all that is good in synth, pop and electronic music.

'All My Own Stunts' is effortlessly elegant, carefully constructed and mostly, Magical.

Words by Grant Dallas