Artist Of The Week #238 - Lily Moore

This week’s Artist of the Week is Brighton-born pop-powerhouse Lily Moore - who has just released her new EP ‘Before I Change My Mind, Again’ via Believe - a six-track piece of work fueled by soul and pure determination. 

Having been previously disheartened and exhausted by the music industry, the songstress almost completely gave up on music. Before I Change My Mind, Again... was born out of sheer determination, and the outcome of a last-ditch effort as a music artist. It hears Lily at her most accomplished and headstrong, and offers the listener incredibly relatable lessons on love, heartbreak and friendships. Showing no signs of slowing down, Lily has just launched her very own podcast, The Moore The Merrier: A Podcast On How To Survive. It hears the London-based artist and her friends shoot the shit; they will discuss living, laughing and of course, loving. The good, the bad, the disappointing in-between parts that hurt but eventually become stories worth telling. 

She took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together. 

Hey there Lily - how are you? So your EP is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world? 
Ello Ello!! In the spirit of being honest, I have to admit I'm a mixture of feelings. Obviously bloody happy to have it out and for everyone to get to listen to it, but also slightly terrified. Mostly though it's good to be back.  

It is called ‘Before I Change My Mind, Again’ - what is the meaning behind that? 
The EP was written during a time when I was pretty done with music and didn't really know what I was writing the songs for, just that I had lots I needed to get off my chest. I was pretty lost at the time and whilst there were somethings that were hard, thankfully the songs came easily. But I still knew if I thought about it too long I might chicken out - so yeah it felt like it needed to be named this. 

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
A combination of Zoom (rock n roll baby) - or at my mates The Nocturns studio in Finsbury Park. Whilst I feel that the EP came together quite quickly there is one song called 'Everybody's Falling in Love' which nearly killed me!!!!! 8 versions and 15 mixes later it made it on to the EP but bloody hell. See I told you I'm an overthinker!! 

What are the key themes and influences on the EP? 
All my EPs are always just a diary of what was going on during that time. This time round it involved a lot of uncertainty in whether I was doing the right thing or not. Feeling not quite old enough to settle down or young enough to get away with messing about. Accepting not everything lasts forever. God it sounds quite intellectual now doesn't it? I'm impressed with myself. For once. 

If the EP could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why? 
I should probably say something sexy like James Bond to seem cool shouldn’t I. There are tonnes of strings and big vocals on some songs and I have always longed for my Shirley Bassey moment I suppose. But probably more like Sex Education (not a film I know) but it is all about make ups, break ups and growing up the hard way. Facing some hard truths but being determined to still have a good time too. 

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP - if so, which one and why? 
‘Everybody’s falling in love, I cant even fall asleep without someone next to me’ 
Like lots of my lyrics, I wrote it down on my phone notes at about 2am on the bus home. I remember feeling really bored at the time. It felt like literally everyone I knew had a boyfriend at the time. Even my own mum got one and I fucking didn’t. I want to say I was happy for them all, but that would be a lie. It’s a cheeky song though and takes me back to being in Brighton when I sing it - sitting on the beach in an old boat with a bottle of shit wine. 

Now the EP is out there - what next? 
Not disappearing for 3 years - that’s for sure! In typical form I’ve decided not to do this by halves. So I’ve recently launched my podcast ‘The Moore The Merrier: a podcast on how to survive’ as even after this EP I still felt like I had more left to say. So yeah keep your peepers peeled for that. I’ve got my independent grassroots venues tour in September which I can’t wait for. Festival season approaching and loads more stories left to tell. This is just the start. 

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