The Front Bottoms - 'Emotional'

After three years, American indie rock duo The Front Bottoms have returned with their unflinchingly honest single ‘Emotional’. 

Hailing from New Jersey, Brian Sella and Mat Uychich have amassed a considerable following with their pop-punk anthems. Since the release of their self-titled debut album in 2011, they have combined blunt lyricism with raw and energetic instrumentals to convey the angst of a generation. ‘Emotional’ is the third single from their upcoming album ‘You Are Who You Hang Out With’. The Front Bottoms prioritised having fun with this new release, and ‘Emotional’ serves as a testament to the carefree spirit that duo possesses. When Brian spoke of the recording process, he emphasised that it was something that needed to be organic. “Don’t force anything and just let the songs develop the way they develop. That’s just the way it’s meant to be.”

‘Emotional’ unravels with a fuzzy resonance from quick strumming and an autotuned melody that seems to veer away from the nervy vocal style that powers the band’s past projects. Brian’s biting lyrics feel classic, as an anthemic call of “ask if I’m emotional, fuck yeah!” grates against the distortion. As the opening verse closes out, more experimental elements are incorporated – twinkly chimes and gravelly barking. The chorus builds with hearty percussion and an overdriven cry before firing into a fast-paced burst of frantic piano and full-throttle guitar strokes. The track is at its most forceful from this point, throwing listeners into a scream-your-lungs-out style pit as Brian harps on a doomed youth, clinging to hope and respect for the sake of navigating perpetual uncertainty. True to their roots, the band continues to unpick millennial frustration propelled by defiant instrumentation. 

‘You Are Who You Hang Out With’ is due to be released on 4th August. While preceding singles ‘Outlook’ and ‘Punching Bag’ have been promising indicators of a charismatic return from The Front Bottoms, ‘Emotional’ comes with a kick as the duo’s indomitable attitude is challenged by the vulnerability of disillusionment. Through confrontational introspection and the honest admission of “We’re both trying, you gotta give us that”, being emotional does not have to be an obstacle. For The Front Bottoms, it is a clear strength.  

Words by Kayla Sandiford