Band Of The Week #251 - The Beaches

This week’s Band Of The Week is Canadian rock darlings The Beaches - who have just released their brand new album ‘Blame My Ex’ via AWAL. 

The Beaches exhibit new maturity on the record, melding gritty, groovy instrumentals with sharp, specific lyricism as they explore the triumphs and disappointments of mid-20s growing pains. Sometimes funny, sometimes caustic, but always authentic, Blame My Ex is a satisfying mashup of anthemic bops and tender, introspective tracks that touches on heartbreak, transition, and growth.

They took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together. 

Hey there The Beaches- how are you?
We are great! We’ve been busy girls preparing for our album release and we’re so so happy the time has finally come. 

So your album is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
We are incredibly proud of this album and so excited for everyone to hear it. There is something for everyone on it and we really pushed our boundaries, and I think that really comes through when you listen to it. 

It is called ‘Blame My Ex' - what is the meaning behind that?
The album is called Blame My Ex because we didn’t want to call it 'Blame Brett'...

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
We recorded this album at Giant studios in Toronto. It was an interesting time as Jordan was going through a tough break up and so every day was a different situation depending on how she was doing. We would usually channel that into what we wanted to write about that day. 

What are the key themes and influences on the album?
Sonically we wanted to try some new stuff so we pulled a lot from 80s references, bands like New Order, Joy Division with modern themes inspired by artists like Willow and Wet Leg. 

If the album could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why?
Anything with Meg Ryan because she’s the Rom com queen, and her stories always have a happy ending. 

Do you have a favourite lyric on the album - if so, which one and why?
“Alphabet soup spelled you’re a fool but I still ate it all the same” I really like the imagery you get from that lyric and it explains Jordan perfectly. 

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